Sunday, September 20, 2009

Digital Collage - Letter Home

My final circle collage. I will cut this down for an ATC. I will cut it down a bit on the sides. It is for the Yahoo group Altered Designs.

This young man is a mill worker from North Carolina. When I see him I thank my lucky stars I never had to send one of my sons off to work to help support the family. I usually get a phone call every Sunday or Monday from my boys. I tried to pretend I was his Mother - waiting for the letter home that week. I love how he has outgrown his jacket. The hat gives him a rakish more mature than his age look, hiding the little boy beneath. He is ten.


  1. this is an awesome piece..the story of the boy just tears at my heart..he may be 10,but there is the look of an old man to him..old from tiredness,fear or not enough youth...?

  2. Elizabeth, each "circle" piece is awesome in its own right, but this piece is intriguing and fascinating (as is the backstory). Beautiful work. Your colors and layers are fabulous! Hugs, Terri

    PS Thank you for the circle background too! :)

  3. This is just such a beautiful piece. The background is a work of art in itself and the image is so poignant. I imagine that the clothes he is wearing are the only ones that he has... so sad that he probably had no childhood as such

  4. My great grandfather started working on the railroad around that age. I see a picture like this and it reminds me of him. Beautifully done as usual. :)Bea

  5. Elizabeth, I just love your digital collages! These latest two...where both are "trapped" in a certain life, are very poignant, and touching. My dad was born in North Carolina, as his father, and father before, these images have so much meaning...they could be ancestors of mine.

    Thanks for sharing your work. Wonderful, as usual.

    All the best,

  6. Beautiful pieces both! Touching, and well done!

  7. I love this piece Elizabeth,very thought provoking. Mx


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