Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Freebies - Vintage French Postcards - Girls

Isn't she sweet with her toy pup?

Love her yellow roses.

The green ribbon is so pretty.

Such a sweetie!

A vision in yellow.

Here are some little darlings for you to use in your artwork. I was having a hard time trying to decide what kind of freebies to use this week and so I asked a blog friend - Jan Richards. She suggested vintage girls or ladies so here you go Jan and by the way a belated birthday wish to you!


  1. They are so pretty. Thank you. :)Bea

  2. I love your little girls, they are so pretty, thank`s so much.

  3. Oh my goodness Elizabeth... they are absoloutely adorable. I've GOT to do something with THESE! Thank you SO much and thank you also, my friend, for the birthday wishes and the link to my blog x

  4. Stunning vintage girls! Thanks for sharing! I love your shelf of journals. Isn't BlissfullyAJ a fantastic group?!!!!!

  5. Elizabeth thank you for all your generosity. It is much appreciated. Sharon

  6. Thank you for these - they are just gorgeous little girls.

  7. OOOOOooooh thank you SO much for these exquisite treasures... You have made my day ~ as you SO OFTEN do!~
    Raine )O(

  8. These young ladies are beautiful - thanks so much for sharing them, Elizabeth!

  9. Oh my gosh--they're precious!!!
    THANKS so much!!!!

  10. Dear Elizabeth,
    These little girls were so cute, they inspired me to make some
    Christmas gifts for special friends...I was so excited
    to show you!To see what I made,
    just go to:
    I made mixed media pieces with
    them on monograms.
    Thank you!


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