Thursday, September 10, 2009

Coca Cola Pot Roast

It has been a while since I have shared any recipes with you. Now that school has started and the lazy days of summer are over we have to start planning meals. The older I get the more I enjoy cooking and experimenting. I hope you will give this one a try. It is wonderful.

This is a old recipe. When I got married for the first time my Grandmother sent me this wonderful cook book. Along with it some of her own "special recipes". Through the years, through the husbands, kids, and life I have relied on many of her recipes. Some I have modified with healthier ingredients and some are just plain ole good the way they are.

Please remember I am a Southern girl who grew up in Georgia. We love our Coca Cola. Do not leave out this ingredient, it makes the roast so tender it just melts in your mouth. This is a great meal to cook on a day you know you are going to be busy and just plain ole wiped out. Serve with fresh tomatoes and mozzarella cheese with a balsamic vinegar. Yum...

Coca Cola Pot Roast

1 beef roast - I usually use around a 3 pound roast
1 package of onion soup mix - I use Lipton's
1 to 2 12 ounce cans of Coca Cola - no diet drinks
1 bay leaf
red potatoes halves or if they are the tiny ones you can use them whole
A bag of peeled carrots or if you have them fresh use them
fresh mushrooms whole or sliced
celery - I use pieces about 1 1/2 inch long
If you really like onions then pearl onions are good or a Vidala onion chopped in large pieces. Feel free to add or remove any vegetable. Use what your family likes.

Put Roast in large crock pot. Sprinkle roast with onion soup mix. Put vegetables around roast. I like to put the carrots around the meat and then pile on the rest. Add a bay leaf. Add Coca Cola to almost cover pot roast and vegetables, drink any leftover Coca Cola.
Cook all day on low - 8 to 10 hours, or on high for 5 to 6 hours.
Will serve around 8.
The liquid makes wonderful gravy!


  1. Oh my!! This has GOT to be a winner for the next time the family come round! AND I can make it and leave it. Thanks for sharing... I've copied the recipe and will think of you when I serve it! It looks delicious!

  2. Much like my crockpot roast, but I've never heard of the Coca Cola! And I'm a southern girl also. I'm very excited to try it; thanks for sharing.

  3. LOL It must be that tinge of fall in the air. Those of us of a generation, that actually COOKED for our families, put up our garden harvest and froze what we could now get the urge to cook again.
    I've copies your recipe to make for the weekend.
    Today, I'm making Italian tomato sauce for the freezer.
    We were spared the tomato blight that seems to be hitting parts of the country. :)Bea

  4. My husband won't get within 10 feet of anything onion. That makes it difficult to use the onion soup mixes. Lipton used to have a beef mushroom soup that we used but it's no longer being made. I enjoyed a potroast when I visited my sister that was made with the onion soup. Yum. But we haven't tried using Coca-cola. Will have to think about that one!

  5. I've never had Coca-Cola Pot Roast, but I've heard it's delicious! I'll have to give it a try when I get a chance.

  6. I've printed my copy and noted who shared it with me. I'll wait for cooler weather before I try it. Thanks!

  7. the Georgia Girl in me just CAN'T say no to a new Coca-Cola recipe! Thanks for this. Can't wait to give it a try.

  8. my mouth is watering just reading this post!! I'm a total cola addict but I've never heard of it in a roast, winter's fast on it's way, this one's going in my recipe book, thank you! Mx

  9. You know, my family has a favorite from the original Joy of Cooking Cookbook, called Gaston Beef Stew. This Sunday, for football, I'm going to make one of each and let them try something NEW for a change. I can't wait -- because it sounds like fun to make. :-) teri

  10. Ok, it's in the pot, cooking away.
    It will be done in time for the Packers to beat DA Bears tonight.
    I've got my fabric lined up to make some fabric beads while I watch the game.
    Thanks for suggesting dinner.
    Now, could you make up a month of recipes please. It never hurts to ask. :)Bea

  11. Finally had a chance to try this today - it was a big hit - thanks for the recipe!


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