Monday, September 14, 2009

The Red Barn

I have this fascination for old buildings, particularly barns. I have always felt this way. At first I thought it was because I loved horses and they live in barns. The smell of hay, dirt floors, animals, and leather were perfume to a little girl. As I grew older and acquired my first barn I realized they were so much more. An extension to the outside, the garden, a place to work on messy projects, a refuge from the rain, a place to hide, a home for a lonely rooster, soft sounds, wood groaning. So began my love affair with the barn.


  1. There are so many wonderful old outbuildings and barns with stories to tell. Love this picture and the beautiful accompanying post. I've often thought that someone should photograph and capture the beauty of these old buildings before they disappear. Hugs, Terri xoxo

  2. Well, you know I share that love and this one is just beautiful. Oh, the stories it could tell. :)Bea

  3. I have just found your blog and may be up the better part of the night looking at it! There are soooo many wonderful things to look at and I am just loving it all.

    You are a wonderful photographer and I especially love the actions that you used on the old red barn. I, too, am a lover of old barns and I would love to use this action on some of my own pics. I would really appreciate you sharing the name with me if you don't mind.

    Also, Thank you for all the wonderful clip art, I feel like a kid in a candy store!

    Debbie Hutchinson


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