Saturday, December 19, 2009

Crazy Week - Catch up

It has been a really crazy week trying to get everything ready for the holidays. Lunch with girlfriends, finishing up the yard and house. Shopping for those last minute things that make the holidays so much fun. Planning the menus and trying to coordinate when everyone is arriving and where they will sleep. Unfortunately, I have not been blogging all that much. Then I realized that all of you were probably doing the same thing I am doing and have no time for blogging either. It will feel so good to sit down and breathe again. Hopefully I won't forget anything or anybody....


  1. Hi Elizabeth--thank you so much for visiting my blog, and I'm so glad that you did. These postcards are wonderful! And your artwork is outstanding-thank you again, Diane

  2. You're absolutely right, Elizabeth! We're all a little stressed and crazed at the moment, and art has been taking a back seat. Here's hoping that you have at least a moment to enjoy a cup of tea and a deep breath! LOL! Holiday Hugs, Terri xoxo

  3. This image looks just like my sister when she was a little girl (we used to call her moon face) and she's been busy wrapping stacks of gifts to give away to less fortunate children, so it's absolutely perfect for me.

  4. We have been working hard to simplify the season over the years, this year I think our tree change ... well you'll have to "see" it, I wanted to thank you again for the beautiful white swan feathers, they made perfect angel wings tucked in the top of our tree :)

    Wishing you and yours the Merriest Christmas Elizabeth!


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