Saturday, December 19, 2009

Freebies - Holiday Postcards

She makes a perfect angel!

I love the deep purple this angel is wearing.

She has quite the load of gifts!

I bet we know what she is dreaming about...

She is so pretty, everything about her says holiday!

Here are a few postcards for you to use. I have always found these to be so enchanting. Hope you enjoy them.


  1. Love the little faces on these. :)Bea Thank you so much for sharing
    and have a WONDERFUL HOLIDAY SEASON. Merry Christmas.

  2. Thanks Elizabeth. These are precious.Have a wonderful Christmas.Sharon

  3. These ARE enchanting! Thank you! Hugs, Terri xoxo

  4. Elisabeth, thanks alot for the wonderful freebies. Have a wondeful Christmas.

  5. Thanks so much for the lovely images!!! I can't wait to use them!!! :)
    Happy Holidays,

  6. Thank you so much.They are all lovely and sweet.Happy Holidays to You!Warm Regards,Cat

  7. Beautiful, the first image is quite stunning.

  8. Thank you so much for sharing, they are all gorgeous! Posting is time consuming so we appreciate any bit you give.

  9. The first angel is so intriguing..almost beguiling
    My beautiful bookmark is holding my page in the book I am is so delightful to look at...
    A Blessed time of joy for you now and in the New Year

  10. Thanks, Elizabeth, for the freebies and for commenting on my blog. About the freebies: can you imagine carrying a goat, or is it a ram, around? What an imagination this photographer had! Hope you have a merry Christmas!

  11. Elizabeth, these will be perfect for some sketches I'm doing. Thank you!!

  12. Elizabeth, the freebies you`re sharing are so fantastic and beautiful. Thank you so much!!!!
    It`s always a pleasure to visit your blog.
    Merry christmas to you and yours.
    MARTINA :-)

  13. Cute angels, Elizabeth! Hope you have a merry Christmas and a healthy and creative year 2010!

  14. It is so sweet of you to share these beauties with us. I just came by to catch up and read that you are as busy as the rest of us. Great previous post about our situation. Hope you've had time to breathe by now.

    Happy, happy holidays.

  15. Thanks Elizabeth, these are gorgeous! I love the one loaded with gifts, I wonder who they were for?
    Have a great Christmas! Mx

  16. Hi Elizabeth, Thanks so much for your generosity. Love the images. I am wishing you & your family a very Merry Christmas!


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