Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Journal Covers and such....

All six covers together.

Upholstery scraps, 5 by 5.

Heavily tea dyed fabric, 6 by 6.

A little bit of everything, 6 by 6.

Tea dyed ribbon and fabric, love the red with the black and white, 6 by 9.

Tea dyed fabric and lace. Tried to used up a lot of scraps, 6 by 6.

Lots of dark scraps, upholstery fabric, etc. Ribbon ties, 5 by 5.

I spent most of last weekend dying fabric, sorting fabric, going through ribbons, lace and buttons. I am taking my first online class from Mary Ann Moss. Hop over to her blog and check it out. We are making this great journal. I - being the over achiever that I am - decided to make several journal cover and then of course journals. I figure I go through them at an alarming rate anyway, I might as well make my own.

These six are my first covers. They are so fun to make. Just about anything goes. I like the small intimate ones, yet I can see that the 6 by 9 size will be the one I work on first. Just a lot more space to make intricate pages with. I will share these as they evolve. Hope you are all working on something fun.


  1. You have been busy! Aren't these wonderful. Now you are all set for the new year. :)Bea

  2. How awesome are these journal covers. I love what you have shown us. Love your blog too.

  3. Ohhhh, Elizabeth, these are outstanding! I can just imagine you sorting through your treasure to make these beautiful journals. Sounds like you're really enjoying the class. Holiday hugs, Terri xoxo

  4. I LOVE these covers! Like a cozy blanket for your journal! I love the ones with the strips that wrap round and round - like opening a special present every time you open your journal!

  5. Your SIX covers look great. I haven't even made ONE cover. I've got lots of inspiration though after looking at everyone's. Not that that ever does any good as once I look at MY fabrics my muse just goes her own way!

  6. These are amazing!!!! I have to catch up on Mary Ann's class now that I am home from vacation.

  7. When you get on a roll, you really get on a roll! these are wonderful, I love them all.....

  8. Beautiful selection and work on these fabric coveres!!! I'm inspired. - I read your tea/coffee dye instructions - thank you for those and the freebie - Happy New Year!!!

  9. These are all just stunning! The colors and textures you put together are simply amazing!!

  10. I am loving these journals Elizabeth!! I am actually on the verge of purchasing an inexpensive sewing machine for the Salon ~ now actually feeling compelled to do that. Your covers are scrumptious.

  11. Ohh they are all gorgeous!!great image and colors!!!


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