Monday, December 21, 2009

Winter has Arrived!

Thought I would share a couple of my favorite images of Winter while we were on the subject. Alphonse Mucha had such a wonderful way of portraying the season. His Ice Princesses are my favorites. He really understood the beauty of a water crystal. I hope everyone is staying warm in my part of the world. If you are in one of those Nations where it is summer - this is in your future.

My very favorite Ice Princess.

Her name is Winter.

Take some time to enjoy a little Hot Chocolate. This is the best part of trudging around in bad weather. Don't forget the marshmellows.


  1. You have such a good eye
    for beauty

  2. love Mucha! Thanks for the great pics!

  3. Mucha has been a favorite since I could say his name!! His Four Seasons are so lovely...

  4. Ooo, Elizabeth, that hot chocolate pic is pretty and makes me want to go to the kitchen now. Merry Christmas and stay warm! Sally

  5. They are so beautiful and graceful. Thanks for sharing. :)Bea

  6. Mucha's women are sooooo elegant and graceful. This is a man who understood and loved women. Thanks for sharing, Elizabeth. Hope you're staying warm and cozy today! Winter hugs, Terri xoxo


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