Monday, January 25, 2010

Collage Obsessions - Abandoned

Today I am trying the Collage Obsession Challenge from Elegia and Itkupilli. The challenge was this mansion and the word prompt Abandoned. The first thing that came to mind was a woman left alone with her child - through divorce or death. So, here the lady of the house is with her child watching as her things are sold, taken away so she can take care of her child. Above her sits her protector or totem wondering how to help. The woman is wondering how to teach her child never to make a commitment he can not keep. How to explain why they were abandoned...


  1. Lovely grungy treatment of the photo, Elizabeth. I like the accompanying story, though it's sad. The movers carrying out the painting are an effective focus.

  2. Agree, sad story, but fits the word for this challenge. Wonderfully done.

  3. What a heart-wrenching story, Elizabeth! Yet, your piece illustrates this sad story so beautifully. Hugs, Terri xoxo

  4. Wow, Elizabeth, you have created a whole story around this house!

  5. Oh no, what a sad story. It's amazing how you create such a story in your collage. This is really touching, but fascinating too.

    Let's hope the lady find out a way to manage eventually!

    Thak you for participating our challence!

  6. Great story to go with the old house. I had to click on it to see the mother and baby on the balcony--love the people you put in it!

  7. A picture say 1000 words. What a beautiful job you did with this one!

  8. Thanks for dropping by and joining my giveaway. I had to check out what you have been working on since it's been awhile.

    This piece was so poignant, it nearly broke my heart. You did a marvelous job.

    Since you aren't part of the OWOH, I'm going to feature your blog tomorrow (Jan 27) as my blog to spotlight.

  9. wonderful piece
    and your words make it all the more meaningful.

  10. Just wanted to thank you for visiting my blog. I hope you come back often. Your work is amazing. I wish I had a thimble full of your talent!

  11. I love the whole thing. Thanks. Lori from sketchbook

  12. A house is just a house until it's story is told. You brought this house to life. Love this!
    Hugs, Mary

  13. Really incredible, Elizabeth. Looks so intriguing.

  14. Marvelous Elizabeth.

    I'd like to see you at Soartful Challenges one of these days soon.


  15. Wow Elizabeth! Beautiful work and poignant story behind it! Well done!

  16. Brilliant transformation of this house and the story fits beautifully! Cheers!

  17. I enlarged and its beautiful done this piece! Great texture and idea!


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