Sunday, January 24, 2010

Some New Journal Pages

This year I have decided to use the larger Moleskin Sketchbook to use as my Art Journal. After working on my Remains of the Day Journals for so long, my fingers were itching to be back in paint. This past week I decided that it was time to start my new journal. I had read on one of the journaling yahoo sights that Millande was doing a series of videos with prompts to start out the year. It sounded as good of place as any to start. These are some of the prompt pages I have completed.

Millande has a prompt and a video for everyday. Some of the videos for the day are two parts, none being longer than nine minutes. I really enjoy her style and painting. Now, I can finally use some of those Twinkling H2O's I have sitting around. Her journal is made of watercolor paper. Mine is not. I decided to just use her word prompts and go from there. She has a wealth of ideas on these videos.
p.s the pages with a border I used Nancy from Crowabout's border sheets.

The prompt here was use a diary or calendar page.

The prompt - include a smile on your page. This Art Journal is going to have a lot of quotes so I figured this was a good place to begin.

The prompt here was to use a checkered border.

The prompt was have a tree someplace on your page. I used my own photograph tranferred on to the page with gel medium.

Here, we were to use a large circle on the journal page. After my first trip to the beach in a few days due to the cold, I finally was inspired.

The first spread was to be an intro into your art journal. I sort of pooped out on this page. I figure I will go back and finish it as the inspiration comes...


  1. your pages turned out wonderful!
    i belong to milleande too but i just can't visit everywhere
    i am glad you are getting refreshed and painting IN the journals

  2. These are such fabulous pages!! Don't you just love Millande!! i really enjoy watching her. I love the way she gets paint and ink all over her fingers (probably because I am more tidy) and how she uses up all her left over paints and just slams the book shut and rubs it together!! She is great--but back to your pages. Don't know which I like best, altho, I do love the girl with the white braids in her hair!!

  3. Simply gorgeous - what fabulous journal pages!
    I will definitely visit Millande.
    Thanks for sharing these pages.

  4. I've been watching her videos,also. These pages are wonderful--I love all of them!!

  5. How wonderful to see your interpretations of her prompts. I love watching her video's. Need to get back to my art journal. This was a good reminder. Thanks :)Bea

  6. Awesome Pages!
    Blessings, peace, and love!

  7. I am blown away by your wonderful journal pages- each so different and expressive yet fluid in your own style and color- fantastic work!

  8. Oh, wow!
    These pages are really, really cool~ you have such a creative spirit!

  9. Absolutely wonderful. Love each page. Great job

  10. Super pages. Enjoyed looking at all of them. I think my favorite is the tree one with the writing in a circle.

  11. These are all really amazing, but I really like the first one...just how my mind works. I just love your art...Hugs, Mary

  12. Lovely pages!
    I love your "beginning" on your intro page. I'll be quite interested to see how it turns out in the end. :)

  13. I love your pages, they are so vibrant and colorful with really cool images. You are doing a fabulous job!

  14. Your pages are incredible. So much depth and layers. Beautiful! I am a Milliande fan also, but I have to force myself to step away from the computer! One click always leads to another then I spend so much time watching other people create and don't do much creating myself! doesn't look like you have that problem.. these are beautiful!

  15. I am loving these journal pages, Elizabeth! They are all colorful and full of beauty and wisdom, but I do think my favorite is "Shoot the Moon..." the colors and vintage images just blend so well together...and I am also inspired by the beach!
    Thanks for sharing them! Makes me want to work in my journal too!

  16. LOVE your pages!!! These are so wonderful, I want to stay home from work today and play. Well, I want to stay home everyday and play, but even more so after seeing your pages! I like the first spread, I don't think it needs more attention!

  17. Wow, Wow, WOW! These are AWEsome, Elizabeth! Your images and backgrounds are fabulous. You used the prompts and ran a creative mile!!! Hugs, Terri xoxo

  18. WOW!!! They are all gorgeous. I couldn't pick a fav.

  19. I love all of these!!!! Milliande is SO inspiring! I like how you outlined your "drips" on the calendar page. I think your intro page is just that-something to make you want to look thru the journal. What about adding your name somewhere on the intro?

  20. Elizabeth, These are so cool! I love them and those prompts are good too. Thanks for the link,I'll have to check it out.


  21. These are amazing! The head in the first one is my father, seriousely, it looks just like him in his graduation picture! Creepy:-)

  22. Hi Elizabeth! Thanks for coming over and entering my giveaway. I hope you are having as much fun as I am looking at all these wonderful blogs. Your journal pages are really terrific. I'd like to come back when I have time to browse...
    Gotta fly now!!!

    My Desert Cottage

  23. Thanks so much for responding to my question concerning the journals. I just love your blog and have is nicely stored in my "favorites." I try to visit often to see what is on your mind and what you are doing with all that wonderful creativity. Thanks for sharing it with the world. :)

  24. Weird! I left a comment on these amazing pages of yours a few days ago.....but it's not there! So...I say again...these are some of the best journal pages I have ever seen!!! Fantastic work!

  25. wow what a gorgeous blog to stumble upon!
    I have just started my own journal and am inspired greatly by yours
    just become a follower and added you to my blog roll so I can keep an eye on your treasures


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