Thursday, January 14, 2010

Freebies - Cabinet Cards

During the Holidays I was able to get out and go antiquing a bit. One of my sons is furnishing his new digs and has become quite the flea market, antique and thrift store fan. He actually suggested we should go look for some things. Boy did that warm my heart. In one of the shops I found a large basket of cabinet cards and spent a relaxing half hour rummaging through them. I thought I would share a few of them with you.

Don't you just love her striped dress and wire rim eyeglasses? She looks like a school teacher.

The widow. I am always amazed when I find these photos. This was probably taken on the one year anniversary, at the cemetery where her loved one is resting.

Two sisters? probably not. More than likely sister in laws. There is no facial resemblance. I do like their practical dresses though.

Is this just not the cutest baby? I love the wicker chair they have him in along with the large gingham check pillow. I just thought this was so cute.

Speaking of cute... Look at this fellow in his kilt. I love this type of picture. I think they are so wonderful. I bet this guy had that deep red hair and blue eyes. I found this in with the baby in the wicker chair group.

Of course I had to have this picture. I cannot resist these school pictures. I just love the way the kids personalities shine through. I hope you enjoy these as much as I have!


  1. I just love, love, love these! I think my favorite is the little girl she is just too cute. Thank you for sharing!

  2. GREAT blog Elizabeth...thanks for the images too! Love your old bottle. I bought a bunch of very old bottles on ebay and made snowmen (Cloth Paper Scissors Nov/Dec 2008). They turned out great and everyone I gave them to for Christmas loved them. I'll be on the lookout for more bottles now too!

  3. wonderful photos! I love the school pic... the little girl in the plaid dress in front immediately caught my eye (so did the fellow on the right with the glasses-- reminds me of myself, self-conscious because of the specs)

  4. Thanks so much for the images. They are very intriguing, and sometimes haunting to study the austere surroundings, especially in the school pictures. Great examples of signs of those times.

  5. These images are just wonderful. Being a "girl" (lol) with glasses, I really like the girl with glasses. What treasures.

  6. Thank you so much for sharing your great photo finds. I love the one of the boy in the kilt. I am so glad I found your blog (through your post on the Stitch Alchemy book study Yahoo group). I feel like we are kindred spirits.

  7. Thanks for sharing, Elizabeth -- i just love any photos that have anything to do with school (like the class shot -- so wonderful) -- and I just love the "schoolteacher" at the top!!!!

  8. thank you so much Elizabeth, love the image of the lady with glasses.

  9. Wonderful photos! These are all gorgeous! I love old photos!!!!

  10. Great stuff!
    The school kids really do look miserable. They muts have hated school!
    I like the widow most of all. That's a special one. Will use it in one of my collages soon.
    Thanks for sharing!

  11. I love vintage photographs. Such a view into another time.

  12. It's ready, take a look here please:

    Thank you so much, it was great fun!

  13. Found you from your link on ROD. Love your cabinet photos! The one of the child in the chair. We have a similar one of my grandmother, they thought she was going to die, a really high fever, so they had her photo taken so they could remember her. She lived of course, but photos were not so common back then. also if you ever find a Holloway bottle, My brother would buy it from you.

  14. What fabulous photos - thank you for sharing them!


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