Sunday, January 10, 2010

January Photograph #4 - Nest

I have been taking my daily photograph or two. The cold is making it hard to be outside a lot. We have been hit by the cold spell here. It is in the middle to high forties and almost freezing at night. My bird bath froze over a couple of nights. Compared to most of the country we are fairing very well. When it gets cold like this the only thing I want to do is fluff my nest. So today that is exactly what I plan on doing. Hope every one is staying warm...


  1. I love this photo, it would even make a wonderful poster.

  2. Beautiful image Elizabeth! Hope you stay nice and cozy inside : )

  3. This is really a remarkable photo.
    I do love the little girl in your collage, she is adorable. and you did a really sweet story around her.
    It is cold, but it could be worse here, we have had highs in the 30's and lows in the teens.
    It does make for a day of curling up with a book or something.
    Hugs, Mary

  4. I love this. Did you make that background or was it from a kit? Lovely.

  5. Lovely image! We had a beautiful frozen fog this morning at 3 degrees. I just had to go out and capture it! Nothing fancy though. Quick out and then back in with a good book.

  6. /Beautiful photograph. It has been so cold in Missouri--but finally warming up into the 20's!! Today was the first day out of my nest in 5 days!!!

  7. Beautiful tree...I love seeing trees in the winter, so moving.

  8. I love the stark simplicity of this, and the understated, small-print "nest". It is one of those pieces one sees, and thinks "perfect" knowing not a single thing can improve on its perfection!

  9. Beautiful picture. It makes me want to sit down by the fire and do it in embroidery. :)Bea

  10. Now that is begging to be printed and framed!

  11. I do admire your eye for photography. Winter and cold weather shoots can give such good visuals. I was out doing photos in minus 35 degrees on New Year's day--not so good for the hands!!

  12. Incredible photo. Love your blog - will visit again!

  13. Another great photo. I think you should create a book. Really I do. Sharon

  14. What a glorious, radiant photograph. Stunning.

  15. This is a lovely slice of winter. Weather is a relative thing however. Up in Boston 40 would be a heat wave right now. The cold weather has crept down to parts of the country that are usually much warmer... very odd indeed.
    Stay warm and cozy!

  16. This is so beautiful. I have a thing for trees. LOVE this!

  17. I too have a thing for trees,I am also taking photos daily I decided to change focus for this year's Creative Every Day

    Janet B.


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