Friday, January 1, 2010

Happy New Year!

Hoping everybody had a wonderful New Year's Eve. It was quiet here. Not a lot of drunken, celebrating people. The older I get the more I like it like that. I sort of see the evening as a time to reflect back on the year and anticipate the new. We did get to see the "once in a blue moon", made a late night run to the beach, visited with neighbors and family. All an all not a bad night.

I am not big on resolutions. I am big on setting some goals and reaching them. Personal goals are fairly easy to meet when you can control all the variables. When others are involved not as easy. This year I am going to take better care of myself and those I love. I am going to be a better listener. Volunteer more.

Art wise I am going to do more painting. I am also going to do less group activities and concentrate on some of the things swirling around in my head. I am going to take another online class or two. Go to one retreat.

Photography wise I am going to take more pictures. I am going to take at least a few every day and post a picture a day for awhile. I am thinking a month or ... a week at a time photo challenges.

These are just some of the things brewing around here. I am sure I am forgetting or avoiding some of the other "need to's" and "want to's". The year is like a blank page or empty canvas waiting to be filled. I can't wait!


  1. how fun to make a late night run to the beach! i too saw the blue moon and it was behind some eery looking clouds, i loved it! happy new year!

  2. Happy Healthy New Year to you and yours Dear Elizabeth!
    Here's to another year of art and fun!
    All the best to you!

  3. I'm not big on resolutions either but I picked a "word" = healthy!!!

    remains of the day


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