Friday, January 1, 2010

First Photo of the Year

In keeping with my photography goals I set out this afternoon for a walk and a little photo session. When I saw this beautiful topiary I thought this definitely fits the moment. Our neighborhood hired a new landscape designer about three years ago. Let me tell you what a difference this girl has made.

On the coast where I am we do not have "snows." This is a tongue in cheek way for all of us to have a little snowman of our own. Granted he is not the typical snow man but he is truly a "southern" one. I get such a chuckle everyday when I am leaving when I see him.


  1. what a fantastic shot!!! two of my favorite things....topiaries and snowmen!!! Happy New year!!!!

  2. He's a very jolly, handsome "snowman"! I'm positive Frosty would love to be his online friend.

  3. Oh my!!! He's wonderful. Thank you so much for sharing him with us.

  4. That is a great "snow"man! Good photo too.

  5. What an enchanting "snowman"! Edward Scissorhands himself couldn't have fashioned a more beautiful topiary. Hugs, Terri xoxo


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