Friday, January 1, 2010

Journal Pages - the first couple rounds

Lucky me! I am taking my first online class with Mary Ann Moss - Remains of the Day. We are making a journal with all of our scraps. I must say it has been a totally amazing experience. Over the holidays I would wake up early and work in my studio and sewing room before any one else woke up.

I figured I would need a lot of pages to fill the 6 journal covers I have made. I decided to break it down into halves and go for it. Mary Ann had said she used around 10 pages per signature and 2 signatures or so a book. I made my spine a little wider than hers so I made a few extras for each signature.

Here are some of my pages for the larger journal. I have only completed 3 out of 5 rounds of sewing on them. I am having such a ball! Plus the freestyle of it all lets you use up all those little extras you have laying around.

These are the pages for my 9 inch by 6 inch journal. I did 13 pages for each of the two signatures. So 26 pages, folded in half make 52, back and front 104. That should give me plenty of journaling space for the month.

Here they are spread out a bit.

Here are some of the insides. I still need to do round 4/ security envelopes and 5/sides and fabric. I did use some of my own digital collages and photos in the journal pages.

A few more open pages.

I tried to make some fold out pages, and some pockets, etc. on some of the pages.

Mary Ann gave us this yummy recipe so I thought I would include that.

Just a few more for this journal.


  1. W-O-W!!! What am amazing array of journal pages! Looks like you're having a ball with this class. Thanks for sharing your journey. I can't wait to see more! Hugs, Terri xoxo

  2. OMG! THese are INCREDIBLE!! I am just beginning to gather fodder. How inspiring!! I am turning into a fan. *grins*

  3. These are just wonderful!!!!!!! Every one looks so beautiful. Hope you share more:) Love, Jamie

  4. awesome! more fun pages!! Not sure but may have to try a bigger one next round!! very fun!

  5. Talk about eye candy rush! These pages are really wonderfully exciting! I think I may have to take a class from MaryAnn! :O) Wonderful work! xoxo

  6. Wow, I love it - looks like such fun :)

  7. your pages are absolutely your scraps and wow you've been busy! can't wait to see your finished books...

  8. You are an AMAZING artist!! I am so happy I found your blog via dayhomemama---you are such an inspiration! Thank you :)


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