Monday, February 1, 2010

Collage Obsession Challenge #3

This week the Collage Obsession Challenge gave us two images. The front - an older couple - and the back - advertisement for photographer - of a cabinet card. We could use both images together, just one or separately. I decided to go separate.

The first collage was of the old couple. I sat them in the front yard of an abandoned farm house. I read everyday of people losing their homes, farms not being able to break even. here the couple know their future is in what they have made - their children and grandchildren. Isn't that what the future is all about?

The second collage is really a background piece. I combined several photographs with the back of the cabinet card to make one background piece. I love the old feel it gives to the antique store.

Original Image


  1. Oh wow fantastic work. Looks great.

  2. You have made two wonderful collages! I love your idea behind the first one, and the second one is very beautiful. Great pieces!

  3. Elizabeth, you've created magic with these plain images and have woven a wonderful story. Hugs, Terri xoxo

  4. A pair of collages! So both images and the word are used very creative way. I like them both, very nice layers and interesting details.

    Thank you for participating. :))

  5. Fabulous work, Elizabeth! The first piece is so powerful, I just love it. Your background is wonderful! Cheers!

  6. Wow! Great work Elizabeth! As usual, your composition and color choices rock!

  7. I just adore this and if it were for sale, I might just buy it.

  8. Both pieces look awesome, a job well done.


Your comments are very much appreciated. I look forward to them. I try to answer any questions and reply to comments as quickly as possible. Please feel free to leave me your email so I can do so.