Monday, February 1, 2010

February Magazine Freebies

January with all of it's storms has been so cold. I am hoping February will be a little warmer. I love this woman's muff and how she has the flowers on her coat. A reminder that spring is not too far away.

I hope all of the letters are Valentines for this lovely lady. She is so pretty.

I love the graphics on this one. The flowers and her profile against them are fabulous.
I hope he has remembered to send his Valentines out early!

She looks so elegant in her large hat and scarf.

Here are February's magazine pages. I love printing these out and using them in my journals. It helps me remember the month I have been writing in when I go back nd look through my journals. The graphics are so great , it makes a beautiful beginning....

1 comment:

  1. These are GREAT! Especially the Harper's Feb - the plaid lining on her cape, his knotted ascot...... could be "today" except for his cig! Thanks for sharing, can't wait to use them!


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