Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Week Three Journal Pages

This is the first page of my journal. I did this page last as I was not pleased with the way the paint part came out. Then after working on all the other pages with their collages I realized this would not be too bad.

I am in love with the vintage photographs, cabinet cards, along with antique botanical's and prints. About half way through the collage part of this journal I realized that I was so influenced by what I was seeing and hearing outside. All the trees getting their leaves, birds making their nests, the flowers blooming, kids out playing.

She is an old photograph I played with in Photo Shop then turned into a stamp. I love black and white with that limey green color.

This was the second most hated background page. After I painted it, the thought that I should probably paint over them entered my head more than a few times, instead I said there is still so much more stuff to put on them, wait, then maybe you won't notice. Now these two pages are some of my favorites. Go figure. [the other one is the parrot page]

Here is one of Modigliani's beautiful women. I have had a strange fascination with him since college. I also, have had the privilege to view his work at the Jewish Museum in New York City, right off Central Park in Manhattan. They have a wonderful collection there, if you are ever in New York City you should definitely take an afternoon and visit.


  1. I think your pages are just amazing! I love them. Riki

  2. I like the addition of what you are hearing outside to your pages....
    it is really pretty......

  3. They are lovely, each of them. I adore the image of the woman on the cover! I realy don't see ugly backgrounds anymore. Nice work, you are very talented!I think you enjoy working on this, I see it on every page, it's made with love!

  4. Oh, Elizabeth! I LOVE the pages you initially hated. But then again, with my love for vibrant color, you knew I would! Hugs, Terri xoxo

  5. Gorgeous, gorgeous pages with such a depth and vibrancy to the backgrounds. A feast for the eyes :)

  6. these journal pages are just wonderful! I'm glad you didn't change the backgrounds on the ones you 'didn't like'! can't wait to see the next steps!

  7. I had to laugh the backgrounds you hate i love... these pages are beautiful and i can see the journal is going to be amazing when it is almost makes me want to make one just when i had decided out of my list of ten art/crafts things i do this is one i was never going to get to...

  8. What a gorgeous pages! i love your work!!!!

  9. Beautiful pages and thanks for the great freebies;o)


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