Wednesday, April 14, 2010

More Week Three Journal Pages

Here are a few more pages I have done step two - collage on - for my Dina Wakley class. I think you will see a theme of birds, wings, eggs, flowers, and women and children in them. That has pretty much my life the past few weeks.

After deciding to just collage all the pages before putting text on them - I am avoiding here - things have gone pretty fast. I have the start of 20 pages and the cover. Not bad. This is King Crow. He is definitely giving the hawks in my backyard a bad time.

She is my mystical garden princess. Watching over all things wild.

I thought I would use some of my flower freebies here. They have been so much fun to work with. Plus, I have been making my own paper gardens with them.

This suited my mood for the day. The pen heads are from Tim Holtz's paper that he put out a while ago. I do not know if it is in the stores anymore.

This is my last page of the journal. She is one of my favorite Botticelli images. He must have really loved women. The attention to detail in his work is amazing.

So these are the last of the collage part of my new Art Journal. Today I start the text. Then on to adding more layers! This should be a fun journaling week.


  1. Your journal pages are luscious, Elizabeth! Each one has such a different "feel" and "personality". I understand the "avoidance" note regarding the addition of text. This class looks amazing. Can't wait to see what's next! Hugs, Terri xoxo

  2. these are all so beautiful! i'm partial to the first as i have a fondness for crows. plus i love the mix of materials. Great job!!!!

  3. these pages are already wonderful as they are now. wonderful work Elizabeth!

    p.s. word verification: untickl *lol*

  4. All of your pages are just wonderful Elizabeth. Thanks for sharing all of them!!!

  5. Your pages have such a soft and etheral look to them. Adding text is always my problem - can't wait to see where you go next!

  6. What gorgeous pages, Elizabeth! Like Susi, I can't wait to see what comes next. You are so very talented!

  7. wow, such beauty and detail, my favorites are the botticelli and King crow, however tomorrow that could change!EE

  8. Thank you so much for talking about and posting each stage of your page as you go. I find it hard to really discover the process that people use to make their pages. I appreciate it so much to see how you add the different layers.

  9. Your journal pages are among my favorites of the plethora of pages I see blogging.


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