Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Windows Windows Windows

Red trimmed window in downtown house.

The better part of this morning has been spent on windows. Yes, windows. Last summer during all the storms we had my front door side light windows blew their rubber seals. I guess this is fairly common in an area that has abrupt pressure changes as we do. However, I have not ever had that happen before.

I am prone to big headaches when the millibars start going up and down, but blowing a gasket has never happened. That is how my window man - Lee - explained it to me. You see most outside windows are made up of two panes of glass. A rubber seal sits in the groove and keeps the glass apart. Let me just tell you by the looksy of the seals on both windows we had some tremendous weather pressure changes.

Good news the window situation gave me some photoshop time/bad news it was a big bill! Any hoo, I thought I would share a couple of local windows. I love them both and often wonder as I pass them who lives behind them.

This window is downtown on the main drag. When people drive through on the way to the beach they pass this cute little pink cottage with this Rock & Roll poster in the window. I get such a kick out of it. Rock on!

As you walk along the waterfront downtown in one of the buildings there is this window. It is actually on the third floor in the residential part of the building. I always wonder if it was a memento from a business, is there a business up there, are they open? What are they selling?

Isn't it funny how a window can be so much? A door into a place and a door to watch the world go by...


  1. Sorry to hear about your windows. I've never heard of that before. I know what you mean about pressure changes and headaches. I can usually tell when something is going to happen well in advance because of my headache.
    Love the OPEN sign........Makes you wonder, it does. :)Bea

  2. windows are the portals to the soul... me. i love taking pictures of windows... its always fun trying to figure out the story!

  3. oh sorry to hear about your windows!!! love these photos...

  4. The kids used to call me the "Weather Mom" - I usually get a headache right before a storm. Never heard of windows blowing their gaskets - who knew!!! Love the pics of the windows. The rock & roll poster is a hoot, and the 2nd pic is fodder for my imagination. Great post today, Elizabeth. I'm happy you've had a chance to play today (at least for a little while.) Hugs, Terri xoxo

  5. Ah - the wonder of windows! I'm obsessed by them. I love your photos and really enjoy reading your posts.

  6. I REALLY love your posts about doors and windows... I have bought many stamps of this type of thing recently!! Wonderful photos

  7. I never knew about the gaskets in the windows. I have windows that are getting cloudy due to the UV coating getting weird. I can't stand to not be able to look out so I hope they don't get bad too fast. That OPEN sign just leads me to think drugs or some other illegal thing. What a way to say you have something without being obvious. Perhaps I have too much of an imagination too.

  8. sorry to hear about your window problems! I love your thinking about windows; I like looking at windows, too-- especially when it's getting dark outside, and people have the lights inside the house on; the lit windows are a little glimpse into their cozy worlds!


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