Tuesday, June 15, 2010

1,000th Post!

Yes it is hard for me to imagine that just two years ago I set out on this blogging voyage. Not knowing where I would go, what kind of responses I would get, or really what I was doing. 1,000 posts later, many new and beautiful artful friends, I have found a wonderful community. I can not tell you how much pleasure, friendship, and happiness all of you have given me. It is like one big hug across the miles. Thank you.

I decided I wanted this to be a post that was a little personal. I wanted it to be meaningful, and maybe just a tad of inspiration. Here in the Coastal South we have seen tremendous temperatures. In the high 90's with heat indexes in the 100's. Heat warnings and late thunderstorms. So much of this reminds me of the summers in Florida with my grandmother.

My grandmother was a very creative and artistic woman. She eloped at 15 with an older man who had a car. Never finishing her education she was pretty much self taught. A proud woman. When my grandfather died. She turned her home into a boarding house for the men of the Southern Railroad. Up at 5, cooking breakfast, washing and ironing the sheets, cleaning the rooms, tending her garden of both flowers and vegetables. She did the flowers and cakes for all the weddings, christenings, and the church flowers for many of the churches in town. She cooked the churches Wednesday night dinner, etc....

Her grandchildren were the next big love of her life, after my mother. She adored us and we adored her. Every summer it was off to her house. She taught me to make candles, sew, paint, fix a washing machine, and cook. She made the best fried chicken and biscuits known to man. My love of gardening and flowers I acquired through her. She knew every plant, every given name, and her yard people would drive by and gape at.

In the summer in Florida it is so hot. You are up early and do everything you can outside. We would wake up early and work in the gardens while she finished the wash. Eat a big, hot breakfast while it was cool. She would get all her baking done so she could ice the cakes later. A couple times a week after lunch it was a trip to the library. I read the whole biography section one summer. The mystery section another. I found I loved books. It was like opening a door to the world. All of these incredible places, people doing these fantastic things. I could go anywhere.

The ice man would deliver a big block or two of ice every afternoon. My grandmother would put one in a big metal bucket on a stool and then turn on the fan on the inside porch. There we would spend the afternoons, me reading, my grandmother sewing, and my brother reading or making models. As the day cooled off we would go fishing coming home to a late dinner, and front porch time.

Sitting on the front porch as all the neighbors walked by enjoying the cool evening. Aunts and uncles would stop by with my cousins. Stopping for lemon squares or pie with some sun sweet tea. Talking on in to the night. We kids would catch fireflies and run in the yard playing tag. Those are my summer memories.

The past few days I have been remembering a lot about those days and the sacrifices my grandmother made for us. I also remember the joy she had for us. We were her "darlings." How blessed we were. So with this post I have included a lot of images of children and books. Hot weather just makes me think about that time and place. I hope you will enjoy them and use them in your wonderful art. Thank you all for stopping by my blog and letting me get to know you. I also hope that you have warm wonderful summer memories...

A collage sheet for you. I love the girl sitting in the hammock and the other one writing at the table. I can remember practicing my handwriting for hours.

This collage sheet is so full of sweetness. It is amazing how much children love books. Read one to someone today!

Here is a bookplate for you to personalize for someone special in your life.

And last but not least, I still love a good afternoon of reading on a hot day.
p.s I am having a blog anniversary give away, my first, details coming soon! I am trying to amass a bunch of stuff to give away.


  1. Congratulations on 1,000 posts!
    Thanks for sharing such sweet memories. Grandmothers are awesome people. I have many precious memories of mine. Its funny how certain seasons, places, even foods and smells can evoke such exact feelings of days gone by.
    I also appreciate all you said about libraries, children and reading. I am a librarian and we are just beginning our summer reading club. It is thrilling to see the children get excited about reading.
    Love your blog!

  2. I'm taking a class this summer at college called "Literature and the Young Child". We need to have access to the library as many of our assignments will be based on books we find there. I'm going to be starting a stitching project this summer, and I'm going to use these images printed on silk as the subject matter of my design. THANK YOU so much... I didn't know what subject I was going to do until I saw these. I've loved reading since I was very young. My grandmother read to me long after I could read myself and it was the most wonderful thing in the world. She could make the story come alive. To this day when I read sometimes I imagine I hear her voice reading out loud to me! She also taught me everything I know about a needle and threads of any and all kinds. She taught me to cook also! AND she made the best fried chicken and biscuits I'VE ever tasted! My other grandmother ran the inside job of a ranch. She was up at dawn preparing breakfast for the men (usually about 12-15) and tended her garden and tended the chickens! I have a rich heritage just like you! HuGGs! Debi

  3. What sweet fond memories...and such a special collage sheet for you to share...
    What a great post today. Congrats on making 1,000!

  4. A thousand in two years!!! Truly amazing! Your grandmother was truly GRAND to help you create such lovely memories. Thanks for all the freebies, art sharing, and stories!

  5. Thank you for sharing your wonderful memories with us and congratulations on 1,000 posts! I always remember my childhood summer days with my head in a good book, like Jane Eyre or The Far Pavilions. I can even picture the fold up chair I used to sit on outside the kitchen door, thanks for reminding me :)

  6. Sweet memories are such a gift...they are with you always. I enjoyed reading yours.
    Congrats on 1000 posts!

  7. 1000 posts, 1000 visits with blogging friends..........it is very much like a big hug. I want to thank you for taking the time each day to post something and many, many times share things with us. It is very generous of you and one of the things that I admire most about the art blogging community.
    I loved reading about your grandmother. Some very similar things which brought back some wonderful memories. I hope you have 1000 more posts to share with us, greedy old beggar that I am. :)Bea

  8. What a wonderful memory about your times with your grandmother. Thaank you so much for sharing them!!

  9. Congratulations, Elizabeth on your 1,000th post! What a wonderful milestone! May there be many, many more!

    I'm sooooo happy that you got a bit more personal today. Your wonderful memories of your beloved Grandmother and your summers are so similar to mine. I, too, was blessed to have my Grandmother teach me how to sew, embroider and crochet, how to garden, write, sing, cook and read. Most importantly she taught me how to love unconditionally. Your post today is beautiful!!!! Hugs, Terri xoxo

  10. Thank you so much for sharing your summer memories with us, Elizabeth. Your grandmother obviously had a wonderful influence on the person you are today. I'm sure she's very proud!

  11. Congratulations on 1000 posts in such a short time as 3 years! Amazing accomplishment. Thanks for your generosity, especially for today's reading images. I'm sure I'll use some of these. And your story about your grandmother's life and love for you touched my heart. Neither of my grandmothers were affestionate although one taught me to embroider which has given me thousands of hours of pleasure.
    I was raised in Arkansas so our summers were similar... up at dawn to get as much of the hot work done as possible before the heat drove us inside in front of a swamp cooler. We gardened and raised chickens, canned and pickled, washed and ironed, and baked... all before noon. The afternoons were spent sewing, reading, mending, visiting, just like you did. I still try to do summer work in the morning and quieter activities in the afternoon.

  12. Congratulations and Thank YOU! My Dad was the one who took me along to the library and gave me my love of books. I remember reading one stormy winter day to my kids till I was hoarse! 8) And now I will pass along the love of books to my grandchildren. What blessings we share!

  13. Elizabeth,
    What a lovely post! I wish I would have grown up living closer to my Grandma (or Oma as we called her).

    We'd head over the Mtns and visit them first,,,on the farm and then later "in town."

    I am still in awe of her and her wonderful life....not always EASY (Wars, depressions, farm, etc.) But all she could do and my mother too.

    Life was easier in some ways and harder in others!

    Thanks for sharing and send some of your heat THIS way! It keeps raining in Washington!!

    Working on my studio for "Where Bloggers Create." Ugggh,,,,,,BIG JOB!!

    (Just finished the "Soloist"-never saw the movie and the book was GREAT!)

  14. you are a dear...love your grandma...she and her kind made america great...
    what love

  15. Congrat Elizabeth on your 1000t post. Quite an accomplishment! What a great gift you gave me in your story of your grandmother. She was quite a lady. Many of my grandchildren are in my care daily and I hope they remember me as fondly as you think of your grandma. I worked as a librarian for 30 years and it always warms me to hear of children learning to love book. I'm looking foreward to the next 1000 posts. Thanks for the pics. I especially like when you post the old magazine covers for each month. Smiles, Sally

  16. Congrats on 1000th post, wow that is amazing. I loved reading the story of your Grandmother. She was amazing. Thanks so much for sharing
    your beautiful collage sheets with us. I look forward to many more posts. Stop by and see me, I used one of your images this week for a digital collage.

  17. this is my first time visiting you. i enjoyed your post. i love to read too! books do take you to places, and allows you to picture places near and far, and take a look into other peoples lives (like blogs do too), and just dream. happy 1,000 :) ill be back to visit again. ive been reading os much since my youngest is now on summer break :) what are some of your favorite books and authors??

  18. Congratulations. And what a way to celebrate, by remembering those who went before and helped make you who you are. What a great memory for you to share with your own family. Thank you.

  19. Congratulations Elizabeth!!! I love your Grandmother and I love your blog and your art! I'm a huge fan! I have so many fond memories of my grandmother - they are brought back in an instant by a smell or book - she is never gone but always with me because of all the wonderful things she instilled in me at a young age!! I hope she knew how much I truly loved her!!!

    Thanks for your wonderful posts and wonderful artwork! You are a treasure!!!

    Kris Shedarowich

  20. Congrats on 1000th post. Your grandmother sounds like a very wonderful person. Thanks for sharing these lovely memories and for the wonderful images.

  21. Congratulations on reaching your 1000th! I love reading your stories and this one just made me remember my own grandmother so fondly. Thank you and best wishes for the next 1000...

  22. Elizabeth-
    You have accomplished an amazing amount in 2 years!!!

    Thanks for sharing your wonderful summer memories about your grandmother and life with her. Beautiful and sustaining memories indeed.

  23. Congrats on 1000 posts! Your memories of summers with grandma are precious, you were truly blessed! My summer memories are also of reading, but yours are intertwined with so many other things!Thank you for the images, they are wonderful!

  24. It's a lovely story, Elizabeth! What a wondeful and strong lady, your grandmother! She passed her creativity on to you I believe.It's nice to have such sweet summer memories! Congrats with the 1000th post!!!!! Keep on going! Love Anneke

  25. Congrats! Also thanks for sharing your wonderful summer memories. Made me feel all nostalgic.

  26. Congratulations! I so love visiting your blog. Also, thank you for sharing with the rest of us your images.

    Val B.
    Grande Prairie AB

  27. Elizabeth I always find your posts so wonderful. This one just touched my heart. It was like I was right there and it brought back so many memories. Thank you. Congratulations on 1000 posts. Don't ever stop.

  28. Congratulations on your 1,000th post. I am a relative newcomer here but it is always a beautiful place to visit. I loved to read your stories of your Grandmother. Your time with her was obviously so special. A truly beautiful post. Penny x

  29. Elizabeth,
    Congratulations on your 1,000th post! I love your blog and all that you share. Thank you for blogging!

  30. Congratulations on reaching such a milestone! Thank you for sharing all of the good things -- art, recipes, memories and observations. It is more than appreciated! Here's to at least 1000 more blog posts in the next two years!

  31. CONGRATULATIONS! See how many lives you have touched????????????

  32. Thank you for sharing! You are so kind. I enjoy your blog.

  33. These images are so beautiful and sweet!! I remember my grandma teaching me how to cook and make dolls!!
    As a teacher I LOVE books and always look for ways to help my students appreciate them too.

  34. I just love this post....you know I have a soft spot in my heart for grandmas...what awesome memories!!! I love the ice in the bucket with the fan......all of it really....lucky you!


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