Monday, June 14, 2010

Flag Day Freebies....

This is the famous flag by artist Jasper Johns. It is being put up for sale by the Michael Crichton estate. He was good friends of the artist and this flag hung in his bedroom. Boy do I wish I could afford to hang this in my bedroom.

One of my favorite renditions of the flag. I love the way it folds and sweeps with the beautiful flowers reminding us how many souls have stood up for our flag.

This is very after the Civil War before World War I. I haven't heard our flag called "Old Glory" in a long time. Although it is recognized around the world as a sign of strength and help.

This sort of says it all for me.

I hope everyone goes out today and recognize the symbol of this country - Our Flag - as a great sign of the power of our people - you - today. We can make the changes, do what is right, and keep our country great. One flag has given us hope and strength through out our short history. Let it be a reminder of all the great things yet to come. Have a great day and a wonderful week


  1. Here, here! Great post today, Elizabeth! Long may She wave! Hugs, Terri xoxo

  2. oh could I have forgotten! flag day....thank you...It's up now
    and yes I love her as much as you do
    God do not forget America
    but bless her
    and save her

  3. Thanks for the inspiration! I love your blog. And I love your art. It is upbeat and makes me smile! I enjoyed your story about your friend, the Crow. Years ago we had a crow that lived in the neighbor's tree. He followed me from tree to tree down the street every time I walked down to my parents' house.

  4. So funny to come upon your flag post. I just did a series of ATCs inspired by Jasper Johns' Flag. The first one he did was bought at his first one man show by the Metropolitan Museum of Art. He was one of the first artists to work in collage and encaustics together. He is very much a Mixed Media guy! In his eighties, he only does a few paintings a year now.

    I love your blog, Elizabeth. It's so beautiful and you're so generous. Thank you!


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