Monday, June 7, 2010

A Puzzle Piece and a Finished puzzle

The last of the puzzle pieces for Andrea. Her theme is birds.

My finished puzzle. My theme was The Raven.

Last year my local art group got together and decided to do an altered puzzle. There are eight of us that meet once a month and work on projects, try a technique, alter books, and do some Round Robin things. I have shared several of those pieces with you. I thought you might like to see my finished puzzle. I am so pleased with the way it turned out. I wish you could see the dimension and texture it has. The scanner just doesn't do it justice.

One of the girls found these great puzzles at the Dollar Store with 24 pieces. She handed them out and sent us home to gesso them, mark the up and down sides, number them, sign them and then put three adjoining pieces in a bag for each of us. We were to come up with a theme and put that on our box.

The next month we met, we exchanged puzzles and the journey began. Each month we brought our puzzles and exchanged with a new person. It was so much fun to see them evolve. Some did not want to see them until they were all completed, others oohed and awed each month.

This weekend was my go through the obligation pile. I have a number of unfinished projects. Also, I am embarrassed to say two projects of other peoples that got buried in my pile. One of those was to finish my three pieces for my puzzle and put it together. I also found Andrea's "missing pieces". I am happy to report, all are finished, and those that need to be mailed will go out today! Yeah!


  1. Wow, Wow, WOW! What a terrific round robin! Thanks sooo much for showing the finished altered puzzle. It's absolutely amazing. How I wish I could reach through the monitor to pick it up and see all of the lovely details! Hugs, Terri xoxo

  2. This is such an interesting idea!! Love it!! Did each player take adjoining pieces or just three random pieces?

  3. Wow...I've done puzzle swaps. Love the idea of a theme puzzle swap tho!

  4. Fabulous Raven puzzle, Elizabeth! Wow! What a lot of work! Such a great, creative idea...

    I hate those "Obligation piles", as you call them...I have them, too! In fact, I should be working on that right now, but here I sit!

    Hope you have a most wonderful day!


  5. You have been so busy, I went back to look at all I have missed..Wow these are wonderful...Hugs Mary

  6. What a neat puzzle! I just love all the details in each piece and the one with the working door is just awesome!!

  7. Wow!!!! Your Raven puzzle is totally amazing!!!!

  8. I like how some made one piece out of three for a larger surface area. Did you choose your color theme? They blend together perfectly! Love the piece you made for Andrea too!

  9. What a fabulous swap! Love your raven piece and the finished piece!

  10. Well it turned out quite nice didn't it? Now you have a fun memory piece.

  11. What a lovely idea. I'm going to think about this with my art friends.

  12. What a fun project. I love ravens so your puzzle is very special. Thanks for sharing.

  13. Just wanted to say I love you blog! I just found you thru Ophelia's blog. I belong to a private swap group and we did an altered puzzle once too. Yours turned out fab! xoxo Tracey

  14. This is absolutely fabulous! You must be very happy indeed.

  15. I think that the Raven piece is amazing! I certainly got inspiration from that.
    I'm passing on a Beautiful Blogger award to you. Your blog is currently one that I most admire. Swing by should you wish to accept it :)

  16. This idea is so cool! I love the way your puzzle worked out with the different artists!I am going to suggest it for a family get-together. We could have the theme be family related like "You might be a Samuelson if..." Thanks for the idea!

  17. I may just try this on my own...
    lovely lovely

  18. this turned out so pretty and there is so much to look at...I just love looking at all your art and pictures and I think you have the best always inspire me......


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