Saturday, June 5, 2010

Some Journal Pages

At the Spring book sale at the library I bought this wonderful Parakeet book. At night when I am watching a movie I have been slowly dissecting it and cutting up the pictures. The borders are from Tumblefish Studio. I am so ready for a vacation!

Every morning I am getting up just as the sun comes up to do some yard work. Here at the coast everything is always growing so something always need a trim. If you don't do it early you can get sunstroke. My constant companion as been this crow. He comes every morning and walks along the fence checking out my work. Behind my house a large group of his buddies have taken up residence. I find myself counting them as I work.[the photo is one of mine]

This pretty much says it all. The doll photo is one of mine that I played around in Photo Shop with. Sometimes I feel like that doll - sort of old an used, but wise and glamorous all at the same time.

A quick simple page to honor those that choose to make my house a more interesting place to live.

After making all those ATC's I had to make a journal page with the left over washi paper and my favorite Asian image. Done while enjoying some Chinese take out....yum vegetable fried rice.

Last memorial weekend I found a few moments to do this page. What could be more important than Family?

Here is a potpourri of so of the past week or so of journal pages. I am sort of all over the place. I had to do journal surgery on my moleskin before it fell apart on me. That take a day or so to dry completely. Now my journal is way thick. Definitely easier to work in though. Hope everyone is having a great weekend!


  1. I always look for forward to seeing and studying your luscious journal pages, Elizabeth. And today's post was a treat and an an inspiration! My fave is the doll! Hope you have a wonderful weekend. Hugs, Terri xoxo

  2. Hi Elizabeth, I love all of your amazing pages, wow. They are all so inspiring and beautiful. Thanks for sharing.

  3. Wonderful pages, especially the first three - I love pages that are not only beautiful but personal.

  4. I thoroughly enjoyed viewing your journal pages. Beautiful as always.
    I get a little yard work done, get tired and go in as it RAINS. We, Mother Nature and I are working together these days. lol Except, after the rain and then the sun everything is TWICE as BIG. :)Bea

  5. Great pages Elizabeth! I love the fortune quote- wrote that one down. :)


  6. Simply do you find the time??? Hope you had a great Memorial day! Imagine and Live in Peace, Mary Helen Fernandez Stewart

  7. Love those book sales - always looking for those filled with pictures! Wonderful mixture of pages - especially love the parakeet page!

  8. Thank you for visiting my small blog. You are quite an inspiration. I have just opened a one woman exhibit here in Newark at The Works so I am attempting to soak it all in and move forward. This is kind of an oxymoron isn't it? You have a wonderful blog and I am always pleased when I get a chance to visit. Imagine and Live in Peace, <ary Helen Fernandez Stewart

  9. So beautiful Elizabeth!! I especially love the Geisha page. :)
    All the birds are so beautiful as well. Much LOVE

  10. Lots of great pages here. I think my favorite is the canary but maybe that's because the fly free resonates so much with me and I have a canary although mine is fluorescent orange.

  11. Elizabeth, your journal pages are inspiring. So colorful and full of hope.
    Thanks for your blog. I LOVE it.

  12. I enjoy your blog, love your sense of color and organization of elements. Thanks for visiting mine.

  13. Hi from the InThisHouseandGarden group. I love your art, and keep going back to it, since it often has a beach theme. I grew up in Cocoa Beach, Florida, and just love anything having to do with the beach. I'm going to add your blog to my blog's links list. You can check it out here:

  14. Elizabeth!
    These are so great! I love your pages.

  15. I love how colorful your pages are!


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