Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Blank Page - One Palette - Bookmark

Here is a bookmark I made from the Blank Page of One palette. I cut the page into 4, 4"by 4" pieces, then the book mark and a few scraps were left. I sewed the scraps onto the book mark. Then I used some images from one of my old journals and one from Paper Whimsy to collage the bookmark.

I will keep this one till I finish my book, then off to the library sale to tuck it into a book for someone to find. This week as I was blog hopping I read where someone [I wish I could remember who] made a bookmark for every new book she read. I thought that was such a cool idea. Another thing to try!


  1. Hi Elizabeth,
    Oooh,how I wish I would be so lucky to find that gorgeous Bookmark!! Too bad I live in NH.

  2. This is lovely. Someone will get a great surprise in this treasure.

  3. How blessed will the 'finder' be to have a piece of your beautiful work, Elizabeth! What a wonderful Random Act of Kindness!!!! Hugs, Terri xoxoxo

  4. *clap! clap! clap!*

    These are SUPERB!


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