Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Digital Collage - The Last Dance

Last Dance

Last week I actually went out and was able to take some photographs. Hurray! I love Zinnias and this one particular patch of orange ones have kept my heart singing all summer. I caught this one Zinnia at the end of its dance. It says so many things to me on so many levels. I hope you enjoy it.


  1. The last dance--what wonderful words to choose for this image!

  2. beautiful! i didn't notice the sheet music at first. but i just love the subtle glimpse of it. nicely done :)

  3. Just lovely, Elizabeth. So glad you're feeling better!

  4. Thanks for the note on my blog :) that sure made me smile this morning!!!

  5. Great picture and great colors! The background is beautiful with the subtle music!
    Greetings from Yvon

  6. wow, last dance is amazing!! and you are right, we have been praying for rain too but didn't get much reprieve, certainly not what you endured! hope all's well!

  7. i did enjoy the zinnia. thank you.

  8. Thank you for sharing this. I love the music in the background and the brown limbs flung out in the last swirl! Lori from Sketchbook

  9. Oh this is REALLY neat! I feel inspired!!!! :-) Love it!!!!!


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