Tuesday, September 28, 2010

You Know it is Bad When You Are On the Weather Channel...

Students at the local college trying to get to class.[photo taken by Paul Stevens]

Yesterday I awoke to the most incredible thunder and lightning. The house shook with thunder and my bedroom would light up with the lightening. Although it was three o'clock in the morning I had to get up and watch. I opened all the blinds and just sat in bed and marveled at the power of the storm. The rain blocking out all sounds, even the beating of my heart. It has not rained here since the week I got home from rehab. It has been hot - in the nineties most days - and dry. My grass has stopped growing, the leaves are falling from trees, more from dryness than the fact that it is fall. The promise of rain is something we all have been praying for.

Rain dancing on the water along the channel. This is low tide.

However - 9 to 10 inches in less than twenty four hours was not what we were expecting. I stayed up after the thunder and lightening woke me up and did a bunch of little things around the house. Then it was off to Physical Therapy in a pouring rain storm. When I left therapy the streets and houses along them were beginning to flood. The inlets and channels were the highest I have seen them in a long time. At low tide it looked a lot like high tide. Now they are saying we could get as much as 6 to 12 inches or more in the next few days. Whoa that is a lot! I am including a few photos I took around lunch time. I was on my was back to my side of town in the midst of a pouring rain storm. It has poured all day with rumbling thunder. I spent a good portion of the afternoon at the Book Sale at our local library. A perfect way to spend a rainy afternoon.

The local AC Moore parking lot at lunch time. I decided to turn around and cut through campus to go home.

One of the student houses right off campus. The whole front yard is full of water. Almost all the houses along this road had the same problem. This was taken around noon. It only got worse. Eventually this road was closed down.


  1. Wow! I love a big rainstorm-thunder and lightening--but in moderation--not too flood stage--hope your storms don't get out of hand!!

  2. Yikes I didn't know you were having that kind of rain down there. Out in Northfield MN where my daughter is at Carleton College they have had tremendous flooding. The whole football field was under water!

  3. Hope the predictions are wrong and you don't get that much rain. We finally got some too (Tidewater/Hampton Roads VA) but not as much as you. We really needed it too. The pond near my house was so pathetic before the rain and now the fountain in the middle is finally working again.

    By the way thanks for supporting your local library at their sale. It sure is a great was to give another life to books...at a great price too!

  4. wow! It looks like a rainforest down pour....I havent been here in a long time.....I cant wait to scroll down and see what you have been doing.......

  5. Eeek! Get out the oars and be sure to pack a life jacket. Lori from sketchbook

  6. I've lived in the south and I know rain like that. It's one thing to sit at an open window or on a screened porch watching the lightning and listening to the rain and thunder, but quite another thing to have to go out in it, especially when it's starting to flood. I'm just glad you made it home safely. I hope the rain stops soon.


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