Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Some Journal Pages

Sometimes you find an image and it just speaks out to you. That is what happened when I saw these two sisters. I love their dresses and they look like they depend on each other. I wish I knew their names and what their story was.

Life brings us many things. I have found if you just stand up and face it, the worst is really not as bad as you thought it was. Little did I know when I did this page how soon I would be tested. Some of the border images are from Nancy at Crow about.

If you follow your heart, generally speaking things work out. Sometimes a little common sense helps, but the heart speaks first. The hearts are from Ceremony.

After I did this journal page I was taught the lesson of true friends. Thank you friends for touching my heart.

Good advice at any time. I don't know if you can see the background on this journal page. I used a couple of different crackle paints out on the market to try them out. I like the Tim Holtz one, although I did have to thin it a bit.

These are journal pages I was working on before I fell and broke my hip. My Art Quote Journal was all but finished. Only two pages to finish. I had scanned these and was going to post them that night or next morning. The best laid plans.... So I am posting them today. My goal this week is to finish the two pages that are still backgrounds. Hope you enjoy these.


  1. Elizabeth, I've more than enjoyed these pages - I adore them!!! I've been thinking and thinking about you and have been trying to send good healing vibes your way. Hugs, Terri xoxo

  2. You just have "it" when it comes to journal pages--I can't even pick a favorite!!

  3. Elizabeth, it is wonderful to see you blogging again! I always enjoy reading your blog and seeing your art. You're a great inspiration.

  4. Thank you Nancy! All of the words of encouragement have definitely touched me and have sustained me through my rehab. I am hoping to be able to get back into my studio soon.

  5. Elizabeth all these pages are wonderful. I have been schooled a bit myself this summer in the lesson of not knowing what's comin' around the bend.... I must be a hard-headed woman though. Looks like I may not be done yet :) But I have learned to follow my heart and trust my instincts, especially artistically.
    Take care,

  6. Elizabeth - these journal pages are so sweet and loving. The one you completed the day of your accident is beyond compare. Thank you for just by being you. I was telling my husband what a wonderful group we have here - it's warm and caring people like you that make it so.

  7. You have inspired me to go and paint with my heart Thank you for sharng your with us


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