Sunday, August 29, 2010

Thankful and Overwhelmed

One month plus since my hip replacement. Thirty eight days since I fell and shattered my hip. I am home. Still learning the new skills I need to walk, sit, and get on with life. I am walking with the aid of a walker. Rehab was an incredible experience. All of the nurses, aides, therapists, even the sweet woman who cleaned my room were wonderful. They were all full of encouragement, answered my endless questions, and dealt with my fears an uncertainties.

Rehab is a scary place. So many hurt people each with their own story. Many of the people were there because of hip, knee, or shoulder replacements. Some were there recovering from strokes, heart failure, or head injuries. This is a place to make you thankful for all that life has given you. A place I definitely do not want to be a patient in again.

When finally able to use a computer - I was overwhelmed by all of your emails, get well wishes,
and words of friendship, love, and encouragement. I sat in the rehab library with tears running down my face. My nurse thought I had over done and was in pain. When I explained I was reading your emails she was as amazed as I was by your kindness and thoughtfulness. It will take me awhile to answer them all, but I will try.

I can not even begin to say how important to my recovery were the words of encouragement I received from all of you, the phone calls from family and friends, the visits, flowers, etc. I want to publicly thank two of my friends who stepped up to the plate and took care of me - Miranda and Catherine. You two have been wonderful, so generous of your time. Thank you for your friendship. I also want to thank my Dad for the phone calls every day. They mean so much.

Now that I am home I can't wait to get back to my blog, catch up with all of you, and get into my studio. It might be awhile getting into my studio as I am still trying to conquer the stairs. I am seeing it happening in the near future though. I hope all of you are well and have been having a great summer with your families and those you love. Thank you again for all of your thoughts, prayers, an encouragement. Words can't do justice for the thanks I feel for having you all enrich my life .


  1. Good to hear you're home and recovering well!!
    I'm so glad you're back, Elizabeth, I missed you. Thanks for the beautiful freebies!
    Take care!

  2. So glad you a beginning to get back to 'normal' - I have missed you:)

  3. This is wonderful news Elizabeth! I am so glad the worst is behind you, and nothing but goodness ahead! Wishing you well!

  4. So good to see you are back at home and well into the rehab/recovery phase, Elizabeth. I'm so glad you've had a good experience with what was a bad situation. I know how hard all of that is and my hat is off to you for doing well with rehab. Cheers on being home both in your home, and back in your blog home!

  5. I'm glad you're doing so well! You are missed ~

  6. I didnt know you had fallen. Wishing you a speedy recovery!

  7. I am so glad you are home and recovering so well! You have been missed! I so wanted to stop by, send cards or flowers - but instead prayed.
    Take your time and get well completely!

  8. WeLcOmE hOmE!!! I am so glad you're back! Sue

  9. Glad to see your back home! that must be so nice now.


  10. Ohhhh, Elizabeth!!!! Welcome home!!! It's been a long time away and a hard road to travel, but you're out of the woods and well on your way to recovery. I'm so happy to hear that our prayers are being answered.

    Just don't over-do. Take time - all of the time you need to get back into the swing of things. For now, just enjoy being home! Tons of Love and Hugs, Terri xoxox

    PS This is the BEST news I've had all day!!!

  11. Glad to see you are on the mend. Much luck with a speedy recovery. Take care and welcome home.

  12. We are blessed to have you back!

  13. Oh Elizabeth, I'm so sorry to hear of your troubles but am so glad to 'see' how well you're doing. I have been everywhere EXCEPT reading blogs lately and missed out on your accident and subsequent treatment. Please don't overdo and I hope you heal as beautifully as you treat all of us with your gorgeous images. Have a safe and pain-free week!!

  14. So glad to hear you are on the road to recovery!!!

  15. I'm so glad you're home and healing and getting back into your life, experiencing ordinary things that now have an extraordinary aura about them because you see with new and even more appreciative eyes the blessings of the everyday.
    Take on only as much as you can at the moment. It's so hard to pace oneself when there are so many things to catch up to.

  16. Okay Missy! Do you even KNOW how worried I was about you???? How frustrating it was to NOT know where you were,,,,how you were doing!

    But,,,,,,I'm So happy that you are okay! And,,,YOU, my dear me launch a Blogger campaign! It's an EBC,,,,,or Emergency Blog Contact........I had a friend create a button,,,,so that bloggers could post a contact email/blogsite on their sidebar!

    So,,,,IF YOU weren't around like what seemed like FOREVER,,,,,,,someone,,,with an email or blog,,,,,could tell your friends what happened!

    I'm so Glad you are okay! And Grab that Glamorous EBC Button on my sidebar,,,,,,but it somewhere on your blog with your Emergency Email/blog contact,,,,,so we don't have to worry SO and wonder about YOU!!!!

    Love you GF,,,,glad you are back,,,and This requires a post! Read,,,and for heavens sakes,,,,give us, that LOVE you so, and Emergency Blog contact!

    Hugs and love,,,,smiles and a BIG sigh of relieft! Your were missed! And you are loved SO!

    Big "Bus" on the cheek, a hug and thanks for letting YOUR blog friends and MINE know that you are doing OKAY!!!

    (When you feel better, you might want to scroll through my old posts and see what YOU sparked......) Blog friends ARE real Friends~!

  17. I am so glad to see that you are well enough to write your blog and even give us freebies. I have been checking your blog each day to see if there was any news. I'm very glad that you're back! Take it easy, Elizabath.

  18. Even if you can't climb the stairs yet, I bet it feels wonderful to be back home! Now don't overdo it! You don't want to end up back at the hospital again.

  19. You have been in my thoughts and prayers, Elizabeth, and I'm happy to see you are back at home and I wish you the'll be up those stairs soon but please take extra care! Diann

  20. So good to hear you are on the mend. I am sending you many healing thoughts.

  21. And we are so GLAD you are back at it!! Take it slow and don't overdo, but I'm thrilled to know that you are recovering nicely and back with us where you belong!

  22. Hurray!!! I'm so glad to see you are back and recovering! What an ordeal Elizabeth. I am sure in a months time you will be pain free and trippin' the light fantastic!!

    Good, no GREAT to have you back!

  23. I'm glad you're back, Elizabeth! Hope you are having a pain-free week!

  24. Welcome home Elizabeth!! So good to see a post from you again, now everything is BETTER here in blogland ;)

  25. Welcome home! Just remember each day you will be better than the last. Is there anyway you can make a makeshift art work area on the first floor? Art is very healing and can be a great escape while you are mending. Wishing you a speedy recovery.

  26. Welcome home and back to blogland were missed!
    It really is wonderful to hear that your healing is moving forward so nicely. You've come a long way and you know the best is yet to come!
    Hang in there ... healing thoughts and best wishes continue to wing their way to you dear Elizabeth!

  27. So glad you are home and on the mend. Hope you are back blogging and in your studio soon. Sending healing thoughts.

  28. Elizabeth! I am so happy to see your post. I was so worried and wanted to write and send you a beautiful bouquet and alas had no address for you! Tried to guess by using the white pages but to no avail. SO I am thrilled that you are home and continue to recover!

    I have been kind of off the blogging grid this summer but am trying to catch up this holiday weekend with 4 day stretch of free days.

    Sending love and healing thoughts!
    oxox Sharon

  29. Am SO pleased to see new posts - you are HOME! Doesn't it feel wonderful to be home.... Look forward to seeing some "art" soon....

  30. you are very welcome my friend...I too have had the enormous gratitude to be able to be there & to help in the very small ways that I could! I really want to get back to some art though! lol!!

  31. I took the summer off from blogging and reading blogs so I'm way behind on your news. Glad that the light at the end of the hip replacement tunnel is getting larger. Best wishes for your continued recovery. Lorrie

  32. Hi Elizabeth,

    I've been away with little computer access, but as soon as I got home, I checked to see what was happening with you and was so happy to see that you are back on deck after your accident and recouperation. I hope that you continue to improve as the days go by and that you are soon able to negotiate the stairs to your studio easily before much longer. Thanks for all the lovely images you share. Thoughts and prayers are with you.

  33. oh my gosh, what a terrible friend I have my prayers now that life returns to normal and that the hip heals fast.....I am so sorry to hear this happened....I wish I wouldve been close to you to help......


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