Thursday, October 28, 2010

Forgotten Beauties - Freebies

Isn't she just lovely? Peeking out behind the corner? I love these actress cards.

She looks so coquettish in her hat and dress. I love the natural look she has. So unforced.

This stunner reminds me of my grandmother. She had the same eyes and hair. She took great pride in the way she looked. Never leaving home without full lipstick and jewelery.

What is the fun in being an actress if you can't dress up a little in a few kooky outfits? Wear something spectacular on your head?

A little french beauty. She looks so young to me.

Thought I would end where I started with Pauline Chase. She was able to portray so many moods.

This week I am back in full force. It has been busy and strange around here - I will leave all of that for another post. Every time I turn on the television there is some cool creepy movie on. I guess being October and all this is the perfect time to show them. I have enjoyed the older scary flicks, the women with there exaggerated makeup and screams.

I thought I would post some of these actress collector cards. The movie studios and the playhouses would pass them out to generate interest. Sort of like baseball cards but for actresses. How cool is that?


  1. V-e-r-y cool, indeed! Thanks for sharing them, Elizabeth. It's music to my ears to hear that you're back "in full force"!!! Hugs, Terri xoxo

  2. These are so beautiful!!!!!
    Thank you, Elizabeth for this wonderful freebies. You are so generous!
    Have a nice weekend.

  3. These are great, think I might make one or two into fairies lol, thanks for sharing :)

  4. Oh Pauline Chase is just beautiful. She has such an expressive face without being OTT, thank you I can't wait to use them.

  5. Thanks for the photos Elizabeth. Really like them!


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