Thursday, October 28, 2010

On the Homefront - Digital Collage

On the Homefront

Thought I would take a moment and share with all of you what has been going on with me. A small explanation of my lack of presence here on my blog lately. After coming home from the rehabilitation facility for my hip, days and weeks of ongoing physical therapy life began to return to normal... or so I thought.

Before breaking my hip I had put my "too large for me" house on the market. Figuring with the way the real estate market is it would be a while till it sold. After breaking my hip I honestly did not give it too much thought. As the showings mounted up I would just explain that "I broke my hip, I am recovering, excuse the mess." Life went on.

Low and behold I got an offer, a good offer, and the contracts were signed. The biggest catch was you are to be out in less than 30 days, yes that is thirty days. Panic, relief, sadness, and joy hitting all in a matter of seconds. So dear friends I am leaving behind my lovely house and starting a new journey.

This new journey should be quite exciting. However to take the first steps I am packing, sorting, donating, throwing out and generally in "get out of here mode." I have finally made it through the five large boxes of mail from when I broke my hip and will be posting soon about that. You have made me laugh and cry with your generosity.

The next week or so will be busy and pretty sleepless I am sure. I am putting all but a few things in storage. I do not have a new home lined up so will be relying on the generosity of friends and family for a while till I figure out where I will settle. I have my computer, printer, camera, and a few art supplies ready to take with me. Wish me luck....and I will be posting more often, sharing this journey.


  1. Oh...I have so many emotions I want to express to you from this post. I am so happy you are feeling better and excited that you got such a great offer on your house. But what a time for all this to be going on!!! I hope you find a place very soon you can call home. I will miss you during this transaction and new journey in your life and hope to see you here soon. Best of luck!!! (hugs)

  2. Firstly, speedy full recovery to you.

    Secondly, congratulations on the sale of your home when the market is so unbelievably unpredictable.

    Thirdly, best of luck as your journey onward to your new place when it comes to you. Until then, prayers go up for you to hold up under these circumstances. Best of luck. Tammy

  3. Your wonderful attitude will make your new adventure and new life changes an exciting journey!!!! I can't wait to see the art created as you explore!
    Just remember to take care of yourself first!!!!
    : )

  4. Wishing you all the luck you need!

  5. I wish you luck, of course, with this "goodbye" and new adventure, all in the same time!

  6. The very best of luck to you and, as always, thank you for sharing.

  7. You are setting out on a real adventure, keep positive and work your way through things one step at a time. Wishing you a speedy recovery and an inner peace, love Sharon

  8. Ohhhh, Elizabeth!!! I'm thrilled that you've sold your house and will be embarking on a new journey. Decisions always make themselves when the time is right, and the Fates decided that it was time for you to move on.

    Wishing you the best of luck and am sending tons of love to accompany you. Hugs, Terri xoxox

  9. Oh Elizabeth - what an exciting time for you. Yes scary and sad but filled with so much potential!
    I wish you all the best in your move. Be sure to conserve your strength and take care of yourself!
    Can't wait to see where you find your new home!

  10. We put our house on the market a couple of years ago during the week that the stock market tanked. Never thought we had a chance-we got a contract and had to be out in 30 days--that's a lot of work to do in a short time!! Hope you have some help. We didn't have a place to move to either--had to stay with friends!! Good luck!!

  11. It will be a fantastic adventure!! I will follow it closely!! haha! One door closes, another one opens....time marches on! :)

  12. Wow this is a massive change for you in every sense. And, a great opportunity to start afresh. I love that feeling of starting over and disencumbering (!) oneself that a move of home enables. I do hope it isn't too stressful and that you continue to recover well. Best wishes to you. Penny

  13. What a sad/exciting time in life, closing one chapter and embarking on a new. I'm sure happy and fulfilling times await. God bless you in your journey!!

  14. wow, glad you are healing, but please be sure not to overdo...what a challenge. good luck! may you find a lovely cozy cottage to settle in!

  15. Congratulations on selling your house - especially in this difficult market.

  16. Goodness! Well (1) I am so happy you are finally well on the road to recovery, and (2) serendipity/fate has a habit of catching us when we aren't looking! (You can tell I'm a fatalist).

    After all the trauma and drama, maybe the very best thing for you is to have a completely new start, get rid of all the old stuff, forgotten stuff, unwanted stuff... and I bet you a million dollars your art will benefit as a result.

    Wishing you all the best in your lovely new home - which will find you when you least expect it, just as your old home decided to let you go! Hugs from the UK.

  17. Congratulations Elizabeth! Wow - moving is a huge undertaking! I'm so glad you were given a good offer and look forward to hearing about your transition into your 'new chapter'! Won't it be fun and exciting to create a new environment!

  18. Woohooo! I am in the midst of the same thing and hoping my house sells like yours! Wow.

    Isn't it so exciting? Life is wide open.

    You go girl!


  19. Wow it will be exciting to see your new house when you find it!


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