Saturday, November 13, 2010

Good bye Home....

Last chick's room

Thursday at lunch I said goodbye to the "house." It was devoid of furniture, the floors were vaccumed and washed, the refrigerator clean. It was waiting for it's new family. It was time to move on to new things, but a time to stop and recognize all the fun and laughter that the boys and I shared here. Watching youngest chick grow from a child to a young man. As I left the key on the counter, the house whispered "goodbye."

After I left the house I headed for Raleigh North Carolina. I had treated myself to three days of workshops at Art of the Carolinas. It is put on by Jerry's Artarama. Workshops by various national artists and a great vendor show all at one venue - The Hilton. I figured I would need to pamper myself after the stress of packing, sorting and moving.

Yesterday I got the call that the closing went smoothly, the house was sold, the new owners were thrilled. I went to my second encaustic class with wings on my feet. I will download the photos from class next. I can't wait to share them with you, but first brunch with an old friend.


  1. Oh Elizabeth. That photograph - brought back a flood of memories that I had not expected. It just choked me. I still pine for the days when I was with my two girls in our 'little house' when I left my marriage.

    I am so happy to hear you are back on your feet and that you treated yourself to 3 days of workshops! And what a great opportunity - 50% off! I have more journals than I know what to do with - but I'd happily add one in as a stocking stuffer for someone if I won!

  2. Tears rolled down my face as I read your "goodbye". So many memories! Then, when I read about your taking the class, I thought "What a smart decision!" Enjoy your freedom, Elizabeth! Hugs, Terri xoxo

  3. What a lovely post.. so poignant and telling of all the love that the house hosted! Many thanks for all your writing and sharing Elizabeth.. and blessings on your journey!

  4. Hi Elizabeth,
    Moving is always so bitter-sweet. And our memories are something that we will carry with us forever!! Even though they can be sold in a book - they are still ours to treasure forever!!! :^)

    I still recall when I was 8 (I am now 48 - LOL) and we moved from Minnesota to California). I didn't really understand what "moving" meant. I sat in the u-haul moving truck and waved good-bye to our house. I remember saying. "I love you house and I'll see you soon!" I've never been back. :^( The people who purchased it still live there though so they must like it :^).

    Sweet Memories and have fun making more on your new adventure!!!! :^)

    I love reading your blog - you always inspire!

    Kris Shedarowich

  5. This post brought tears to my eyes, too! Houses become homes when there they are filled with a family's love. You will always have those memories to cherish. So glad you were able to treat yourself to classes and new stuff!

  6. What a great idea -- treating yourself to the classes. I hope that you find a new home soon -- if you haven't already! xo

  7. I will be telling my house good bye in a week after 15 years. One thing I will not miss is our swimming pool. What a bunch of work! I will be moving onto 40 acres in NE Arizona, a dream come true. Remote, off the grid living.I can hardly wait.

  8. I am catching up. I am so glad the closing went well and you have moved on to a new chapter in your life. :)Bea


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