Saturday, November 13, 2010

Journals & a Giveaway

One of the really cool things about Art of the Carolina's is the vendor show. Starting on Friday the vendors open up selling and demonstrating all their beautiful art supplies. Each vendor has "show" specials where products are greatly reduced, usually 50%. They discount all of their products for the show. I come here every year even if I am not taking classes so that I can buy supplies.

The vendors include Golden's, Liquidtex, Ambersand, R&F, Strathmore and on and on, to name a few. This year at the Strathmore booth they had a whole tablefull of journals. Of course I had to check it out. There were small jourals - 3 by 4, medium journals - 5.5 by 8, and large journals - 9 by 12. They had them made out of Bristol , Bristol Vellum, Watercolor paper 90 lb. and 140 lb., and a Mixed media journal that could take just about anything and still have the pages lay flat after drying. I liked the fact that they were spiral bound and would lay flat. It makes working in them so easy. Even better I liked the price! $2.00, $4.00, and $ 7.00 for the really big one. I am in heaven. I oohed and ahhed so that the kind man in the booth gave me a couple extras.

I would love to pass one on to one of you. So leave a comment and Tuesday I will pick a winner for a blank Journal. Please leave me a way to get in touch with you. ALSO, starting January 1st Strathmore is offering FREE online Visual Journal Workshops. You can go to:
to learn more and register. Just thought I would throw that out there. It looks like a lot of fun.


  1. those are great!! please enter me!
    i love the idea of being creative and making your own journal. everyone of us has a little artist inside thats waiting to come out. journals are a great from of self expression.
    thanks, kim

  2. Oh I'd love one of those journals! Good luck with your new home!

    Sally Hackney sjhackney(at)yahoo(dot)com

  3. I am so jealous! We have nothing like that near here to be able to attend... and I so love journals, I would have bought several of each size! Enter me for one!

  4. Thanks for the chance Elizabeth! Hope you are enjoying yourself and glad the closing went well!


  5. What a fabulous offer - a great giveaway!
    What a place to shop! I probably would have come away with a lot as well!
    Thanks for the info on the free course - I will definitely look into that.
    Hope you are keeping well and you're settling in okay.
    Take care.

  6. Hi,
    I would love to be entered into your drawing. I lost my Mom in Jan of this year and I am using journaling as an outlet.
    Thank you so much for offering the giveaway.

    my e-mail

  7. Sounds like you've had an awesome time! I LOVE new art supplies - art stores always make my heart beat just a little faster. Those journals sound amazing too, and thank you, thank you for the link to the New Year's classes, Elizabeth!!! Hugs, Terri xoxoxo

  8. Hi Elizabeth,

    It sounds like you had a blast at Art of the Carolinas.

    I'd love to win a journal.

    Thanks for the opportunity.


  9. OH OH Pick me Pick me!!! I want to art journal but I don't know how to pick the right one. I'd love to find something that doesn't curl and buckle with just a little bit of water color or gesso on it.

    I'd love to win this :D

  10. Thanks, Elizabeth for the chance and especially for the tip about Strathmore. Have a great time!

  11. What an enjoyable shopping expedition you had! And thanks for that link to the free journal classes. I'll be looking into it. Nancy

  12. Those look frabulous!! I'd love to have one ~

    bobbieatc (at) charter (dot) net


  13. What fun! All your lovely writing plus blog candy too? *smile*
    Of course, I would love to win one..
    xxooxx Penny Wessenauer

  14. Oh it would be so nice to have something like that vendor fair here, alas I am too rural. Closest venue would be a day's drive away. Love your blog, thanks for such a nice giveaway!

  15. Oooh, I'd love to be entered in the drawing!
    What GREAT prices too! Wow.
    SilverFangedOne (at) yahoo (dot) com

  16. I love journals, notebooks, stationery of any kind really! I would love to win a journal. Thanks for the great giveaway! xx

  17. I'm jealous too--what a great event that sounds like! I love your blog, as always. Take care!

  18. Oh, wow, I would love one of those journals! And I would really love to go to a show like that! Think of all the ideas you could get from all those vendors!

  19. A new home is a new beginning, I wish you all the best! From what I read here every time, I believe you are a very brave, courageous and remarkable woman!
    You would make me very happy with a journal like this :)

  20. They look lovely, thank you for the chance to win. thank you also for the notice about the class, I will be heading over to have a look.

  21. Sure would love to win one of those sweet journals! How nice of you to offer one. And, thank you for the Strathmore link, too! Need something for the new year that is FREE; 'cause I am gonna' buckle down and get frugal in 2011! :*)

  22. Wow! How cool is that! The journals look great and I'd love to have one. Thanks so much for the link. Happy Day!

  23. I'm glad you had fun. It's always fun to buy new art supplies. Thanks for sharing!

  24. The vendors show sounds like a dream. Thank you for sharing some of the cool stuff you found! Congrats on the sale of the old house and on beginning again in the new. lostgame at pacbell dot net.

  25. Thank you so much for the chance for a journal!! I've just been to the Strathmore site and signed up for the class, something to look forward to when things seem so bleak in January before the Spring!! My brother lives in Raleigh and I've never been, one of the things on my list is to get to North Carolina to the ocean and to see the beauty of that state. Your great blog I have to thank for that overwhelming desire. Thank you!!

  26. I've heard of these and have been wanting to try them out. Hope to see more about how you wind up using them!

  27. it would be so much fun to have one of these. you are so sweet to do this...Hugs, Mary

  28. Sounds like an entirely cool event, and what lovely journals! How kind, to be willing to share! :-)

    I am SO happy you turned us on to the Strathmore workshops -- they sound wonderful!!!

  29. I forgot to say -- change is hard. Saying goodbye to a beloved house is definitely very hard. It sounds like you were ready, though.

    Sending you a "with you!" thought, as you embark on the next phase of your adventure.

  30. Looks like you found some wonderful treasures. It would be great to get a journal and give this new form of art a try. You can reach me

  31. How generous you are to part with one of your new journals...I'd love to win it.....

  32. I am a North Carolinian by birth who lives out of state now and I love to read your blog to "kinda keep in touch"! Thanks for the chance to win the journal. I love art supplies!!!Best wishes on your move! I hope it still "in-state".

  33. What a great buy, one can never have too many journals!

  34. Howdy,

    I'm too late for the giveway but -

    Many thanks for the tip about the free online VJ workshops stating in Jan 2011! I'm registered!



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