Thursday, January 13, 2011

Back to the Beach for a few Days....

After New Year's I slowly meandered my way from the mountains to the beach. Stopping along the way to take pictures and stop in any antique store or place that looked inviting. One thing I learned staying in the mountains and encountering a large snowstorm - recovering hips are not meant for snow and ice. My dream of a little cabin in the woods was melting just like the snow. This might be fun in the summer, but winter weather is not fun. In fact it could be right dangerous.

Back at the beach I knew I had just a week to take care of a few things, enjoy the sand an ocean, visit some friends. The house where I was staying the owner's adult child and family were coming back to live. It was time to move on. Consequently no real internet as the house was being updated with new flooring,etc. Hence it has taken me awhile to get some things posted to my blog. Please be patient with me. I now have great internet and so many things to share!

So today I am sharing some of my last North Carolina beach pictures with you. I am going to miss my beach walks and my friends there for the next month or so. Especially, because where I am off to has no beach to speak of. It does have other things though...


  1. It's always soooo good to hear from you, Elizabeth! I'm pea-green with envy of your beach time. No internet would be a small price to pay for the solitude and beauty! Happy journeys!!! Hugs, Terri xoxo

  2. Beautiful beach scenes! You have become quite an adventurer. Love reading your posts; don't always have time to comment.

  3. Wow..these are great! You have a terrific eye for composition!!


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