Monday, January 3, 2011

Word of Intent

Can you believe a New Year is already here? It seems like it was just a moment ago. I can remember when I was a child. The days seemed so long, time moved so slowly. I think about going to the hobby store on Saturday's. Looking through the glass cases at all these cool little toys wondering when I would be tall enough to look down on the stuff on the top shelf through the glass. All the cool stuff was on that shelf which was hard to see when you had to stand on your tippy toes. Then one day I could stand and look down at all the wonders. That is how I feel about the new year.

Several Yahoo Groups and blog sites are asking you to pick a word of intent for 2011. I did this last year. I actually picked two words -" breathe" and "change". One to keep me sane and the other to create a bit of insanity in my life. As it unfolded in 2010 I needed both words. I used the "breathe" to get me through my shattered hip and it's replacement, the long hours of physical therapy, and the days I just felt defeated. The word "change" summed up the end of the year. The "change" of my body, getting last chick off on his new journey, the sale of my home, and the "change" in my life.

This year I have picked just one word - "build". I need to build a new nest to call home, build my relationships with God, family and friends, build a new buisness, build up my retirement fund, build my art skills, and just generally build my life into something that makes me happy. Sounds like I have a lot of work cut out for me. I enjoy a challenge or two. Have you picked out a word of intent? Have you though about what you want to accomplish this year?


  1. Sounds like the perfect word choice for you this year!! Hope you build wonderful things!

  2. I'm reading your side bar quote and my word is FIND. The effort, the courage, the creativity to find ...

  3. You are such an inspiration to me! One day, I'll let you know what I've done with your encouragement. Thank you!

  4. This year, instead of just one word, I've decided to use several ~

    I haven't finalized my list just yet, but it will probably include grow & breathe ~

  5. It has been a hard year for you, and 2011 already sounds like a challenge - wishing you all the best and that besides all the hard work there will be even more fun and luck for you!


Your comments are very much appreciated. I look forward to them. I try to answer any questions and reply to comments as quickly as possible. Please feel free to leave me your email so I can do so.