Friday, January 14, 2011

I am in Alabama

I left the beach last Saturday. Drove to Charlotte North Carolina to see a couple of my boys and have dinner with them. Then drove to Columbia South Carolina, onto Atlanta Georgia, then to Rome Georgia. Got up on Sunday and meandered over to Alabama to visit some old friends. I will be in Alabama enjoying the sights for the next month or so.

Of course when I got here the weather was turning cold. By Sunday evening the snow started. I woke up to 8 inches of white. It has been fun being snowed in - again. I finally have had some time to catch up on emails, my journal, and start gathering materials for a new journal. Today it has finally started to warm up. My camera and I are off to explore and shoot some photos. Hope everyone is having a great day and looking forward to the weekend.

p.s. the Alabama picture was taken with my iphone.

1 comment:

  1. Don't you just LOVE the Iphone's camera in a pinch?!? Happy to hear that you're safe and (relatively) warm in Alabama. Happy weekend! Hugs, Terri xoxo


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