Friday, January 14, 2011

Speaking of iPhone Camera Photos...

This is the original photo taken up in the mountains with my iPhone. There has been no adjustment at all done to this picture.

I took the photo and manipulated it with one of my iPhone camera apps. I like how it looks sort of frozen in ice.

Here I used another camera app on my iPhone to give it this old paper feel to it. This is my favorite one of the altered tree.

Here again is another camera iPhone app that I used on the original photo. I like this one alot.

Here is one last camera app on the same photo. I just upped the tones, polarized it, and added some rust. Amazing what you can do with some of these apps. I am hooked on these.


  1. It amazes me ... what we used to spend hours doing in photoshop, now takes minutes in these apps. By phone or ipad.

  2. Very cool indeed! I like making my own scrapbook page backgrounds out of my photos using different apps like you did. Thanks for sharing!

  3. Ooooh, these are too cool! Silhouetted trees are one of my favorite things. Which app did you use? I have Photgene and Hipstamatic, but I don't think they can do this!

  4. Hi Elizabeth,
    Can't believe you did this on an iphone. Kind of looks like you used PS but I know you didn't!

  5. Awesome illustration of what can be done with an Iphone's photo apps. They're like potato chips -- you just can't have one!!!! Beautiful!!! Hugs, Terri xoxo

  6. I know Sharon. Can you believe it has such good effects? Plus they are a lot quiker than PS>

  7. Wow! These apps and what they can do are amazing.

  8. Truly amazing ... from a phone you can carry anywhere and create such artistic versions of what u c!! I love the last version!!

  9. You are such a total inspiration Elizabeth, not only art-wise, but life-wise as well.. I am so addicted to reading your blog, and so thankful you're out there! Enjoy Alabama!!

  10. That does it... when my plan is up for renewal I'm getting an iphone. Love the tree shot.

  11. Wow - there is just endless technology that we can access! I just take photos still! Love what you have done with your photo!
    Have a great weekend!

  12. Very cool - it looks like you had a great time playing with the app! Hope you're well!

  13. Great photos!
    Thanks for sharing.
    I really enjoyed my visit to your blog this evening.

  14. Hi again, Elizabeth! I just posted a couple pictures on my blog that I edited using Photo Studio. I'm in love with that app and I really appreciate you sharing it (and your photos) with us!!

  15. This soooo makes me want to own an iPhone! Wonderful! Hey..don't know if you remember me Liz...I fell off the blogging radar about a year ago, but have rejoined the flock! I'm really looking forward to visiting yours and seeing what you are up to!

    Kate (the artist formerly known as Kathy) LOL!!

  16. these are beutiful...hard to believe they come from a phone!


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