Tuesday, January 25, 2011

On the way back....a little history....

A beautiful statue in the graveyard. Just a hint of what I will post later this week.

A view of some headstones and an enormous oak tree.

Here the hand is up. Pointing to heaven I am assuming. I am not sure what the pointing hand means. If you know please let me in on it. I know that a sawed off tree means cut down in the prime of life. That a lamb or dove on the headstone is usually reserved for children. A pointing hand?

Hand down here. There were three sisters buried here. Each with similar headstones. One made it to 12, another to 16, and the last to 70. All of them had the hand down. I am not sure what that means. Is it just pointing to their names or what?

A photograph of the three sisters graves. The small headstone was for another child. How sad for their parents. Only the one daughter grew into adulthood. I hope she had a great life.

On the way home from my crochet class I happened upon this old cemetery in Florence Alabama. I thought I would pop in for a picture or two. I love the trees in cemeteries. Some of them are so old. I have great affection for cemeteries.

When I was in high school I dated a boy who lived next door to the cemetery where Anne Morrow - poet and wife of Charles Lindberg was buried. We would often hang out there. My young love taught me the history that can be found in these quiet places.

This particular cemetery was a confederate resting place. Many families here were affected by the Civil War. It was so interesting to read the headstones. Sitting on a large hill the cemetery had so much emotion to it. Here are just a few of the 300 plus photographs I took. All of these are from my iphone. I will share some more later in the week. The angels are particularly lovely.


  1. Historically, a hand with the index finger pointing downward represents God reaching for the soul, while a hand with the index finger pointing upward symbolizes the hope of attaining admittance to heaven.

  2. I love looking at all the old gravestones and statues in cemetaries and wondering who the people were.

  3. Oh Bonnie that makes so much sense. Thank you so very much for sharing that. I really appreciate it.

  4. I just was looking at your blog. I live in Alabama and I have also been to the some of those cemeteries. The hand pointing up usually indicaties that the soul has risen to the heavens. Pointing down I do not know..
    I wonder why we artist visit cemeteries?

  5. Old cemeteries are fascinating. During Victorian times, they were often used as public parks. People would pack picnic lunches and well known artists would compete to design sculptures for the well to do. Awesome pics, Elizabeth! Hugs, Terri xoxo

  6. Wonderful, wonderful photos, look forward to seeing more :) Love the angel too

  7. I love visiting old cemeteries...such history!
    Elizabeth, your textured photos just blow me away! So lovely and so evocative...

  8. Well, very interesting...This must be keeping you busy! I am glad the weather was such that you could go outside & have a look around! Great pics...

  9. These are wonderful photos, Elizabeth. I love cemeteries and have a little book on cemetery iconology around here somewhere. You've inspired me to get it out and enjoy that book again.
    Deborah D

  10. I found my book, "Stories in Stone", by Douglas Keister. It really is a fun companion to cemeteries. My book agrees with Bonnie: the hand reaching down signifies God, since it was forbidden to depict the countenance of God; the hand pointing up indicates that the soul has risen to heaven. There are lots more details and some great photos too.
    Deborah D

  11. Thank you Deborah for sharing the book with us. I am going to see if I can not get it from Amazon. Sounds fascinating.


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