Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Working on my Bucket List...

Learning the basic chain stitch.

Our classroom, yarn and free bags to keep our yarn in.

My feeble attempts! I need to practice,practice,practice!

This year part of my New Year Resolution was to work on my Bucket List. One of the things on my list is to learn to crochet. I received an email from Jo Ann's that they were starting classes. Plus the classe were 50% off. Who doesn't like a deal? I went to their web site and found a crochet class for beginners and found a store near where I am staying. Signed up and off I went this weekend.

The class was small just five of us. Lion yarns supplied all the yarn, hooks, and a nice bag to keep our supplies in. The teacher was so relaxed and patient. Showing us over and over till we got the basic stitches. A good time was had by all. I now know how to make a chain, single, double and triple crochet stitches. I am practicing, but do not see any afghans in my future yet. I think I will start small with a scarf. Not quite ready to scratch this one off my list, but I am learning to crochet!


  1. WEll, Good for YOU, Elizabeth!!! Your post brought back memories of when I learned to crochet. My Grandmother taught me when I was young and had the patience of Jobe. I'd watch her crochet for hours, fascinated with the speed and movement of her hands and the beautiful end results.

    A few years ago, I taught myself how to knit!!! OMG!!! I kept saying, "Patience is a virtue" over and over again!!! Most importantly . . . . have FUN!!!! Hugs, Terri xoxoxo

  2. Good for you! Keep at it. I always thought crocheting and knitting were two good skills to have. I tried both, did better with the crocheting, but never kept it up. And tension was my enemy! Luckily, both my daughter and daughter in law now knit so I gave them all my accumulated yarn and supplies, so no wastage and we still get hand made scarves!

  3. Good luck with the crocheting. As you said already, practice, practice, practice. I haven't crocheted in years. Maybe I should make a little something soon.

  4. I love crocheting! It is relaxing and I actually miss it. I used to crochet all the time - have a lot of afghans to show for it! But the past few years I haven't made anything! Maybe this year I'll get back to it!
    Great start!

  5. Good for you. I learned to crochet in my tweens. I could buy a ball of thread and make doilies for my hope chest or for gifts very cheaply - a lot cheaper than buying yarn and a ball of thread meant many hours of pleasure. Good luck and hang in there.


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