Friday, February 11, 2011

Friends Freebies

Friendship can start where you work or go to school.

Friendship can start over common interests.

Friendship can start with common beliefs.

Friendship can be shared with other friends.

Good friends should be cherished. Friendships nourished.

After reading Annie Freeman's Fabulous Traveling Funeral I thought my freebies this week should celebrate Friends. I hope you all will enjoy these. Do not forget to take a moment and call, write a note or just celebrate a friend this weekend.


  1. These are wonderful! Thank you so much, Elizabeth!

  2. Thank you very much!!! I think picture #3 are a mother and daughter, look at their mouths... :-)

  3. You might be right. Some of the strongest friendships I know are mother and daughter ones. I know my Mother is one of my dearest friends an I can count on her for anything.

  4. Thanks so much, Elizabeth! These are great pictures. Friends are truly precious treasures.

  5. I do love these, Elizabeth! And I am honored to tell you that my kindergarten friends are still my closest, and I can tell you without doubt that they feel the same way. We are all in our 60th year now, and love each other dearly. Thank you for these treasured photos and thoughts.

  6. Thank you for sharing..these are really to find a reason!!! Hugs, mary

  7. I was friends with my closest friend before we were born - her mum was my mum's bridesmaid. We're still friends fifty years later. Some friends you lose along the way, others stay and are cherished.
    Thank you for the pics. I hope they stayed friends all their lives. xx

  8. Awesome pics illustrating wonderful friendships! Love the book recommendation too. Hope you're having a terrific weekend! Hugs, Terri xoxo

    PS We're in a for a bit of a spring thaw this week! Whoo-Hoo!


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