Saturday, February 12, 2011

Some Textures for You...

Here are three textures for you. They are from this fabulous electric box I spotted driving down the backroads of Northern Alabama. Hope you can find a use for these in your art work. I love the color combinations with the rust. Be still my heart!


  1. Oh Jeez, will we ever get over it? RUST! Especially on blue or green - yep I've got it RUST LUST!

  2. These are fantastic, thank you! I´ve just started playing with digital items, so these come handy!

  3. Wow Elizabeth these are great - the colour combination is so... how can I describe it....??? Erm, well juicy??

  4. WOWIE!
    I'll be using these for sure!!!! And you've inspired me to share some of my textures, so come visit me at mrsl-dramateach.blogspot

  5. I love your blog. Next time in your Huntsville, Al, give me a call. That's my hometown and I'm only an hour away.

  6. Be still my heart, too!!! OMG! These are just fabulous, Elizabeth. Can't wait to play with them. Hugs, Terri xoxoxo

  7. these are wonderful textures, thank you so much for sharing.


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