Sunday, March 20, 2011

Botanicals for You...

My very favorite - the Iris

These remind me of the buttercups that were all over the fields on our farm.

Living at the beach was the first time I successfully was able to grow Clematis

Isn't this just the sweetest bulb?

I love these double bloom Daffodills they are so delicate, like a lacy dresss.

Here are a few botanical prints for you. It is s beautiful every where I go. Even the most humblest of parking lot has a tree in full color. Get out and enjoy everything in bloom today. {The Dogwoods have started blooming here}


  1. Mmmmmmmmmm, beautiful prints en beautiful blog!

    I invite you to visit mine:

    The Netherlands

  2. beautiful prints! Ah spring!!!

  3. These are stunning; Thank you so much!


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