Saturday, March 19, 2011

Saturday Textures #3...

The weather is so beautiful here in the South. It has been in the 70's the past few days. Every thing is starting to explode with buds and blooms. Yesterday I stopped for a bite to eat and was bombarded by a beautiful storm of flower petals off some Bradford Pear trees. I had to laugh. It finally feels like Spring.
These textures are from a friends garage floor. I love the way the cement has crackled. I hope you can use these in your art work. I have been working on some digital flowers with these. I will post a few over the weekend. I hope everyone is out an about enjoying the day!


  1. Hasn't it been glorious? I went out for a nine mile "run" and just soaked up the sunshine.

    Love these textures... need to get out and do some photography!


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