Friday, April 22, 2011

Earth Day!

This is the banner for this year's Earth Day Organization. I think it is so touching. Hard to believe it has been 40 years since the first Earth Day in 1970. For those of you who may be from other countries - here in the USA and in Canada we celebrate for a week or so with everything culminating today. It is thought that with Spring being a time of renewal, that the world should pledge how they will make the earth a better place. It is also a time to do an yearly assessment of how the earth is. With Global Warming, the Gulf Oil Spill, the nuclear disaster in Japan, the earth quake in Japan, wildfires in Texas, tornados all over the South... It sounds like we have a lot of work to do.

This is the ecology symbol that was developed in conjunction with Earth Day. I like it's greenness - as Kermit would say. I am going to walk around DC today, weather permitting. I am going to admire all the beautiful trees and think about what I can and can't do to make this earth a healthier place. What are you doing today?

On the Earth Day organization web site I found this really cool idea. Over a billion Acts of Green have been pledged to make the Earth a healthier place for all. Most are simple doable acts. Run over and make your pledge. The web address is

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