Saturday, April 30, 2011

Wedding Freebies...

A western wedding. He looks like a cowboy who should have left his hat at the door. Love her hat!

Very 1920's. The white stockings, the lovely shoes, and what a bouquet!

I like how casual this couple seems. The straw hat and the wedding certificate on the table sort of make the picture complete.

Looking oh so royal with the tiara thing going on.

This bride seems so young , yet happy. Her dress shows off her stylish new shoes.

I woke up very early to watch the Royal Wedding yesterday. Then I watched the taped BBC version with my Mom last night. We had tea yesterday with biscuits and toasted the Royal couple. I loved all the pomp and circumstance, the precision of it all, the beautiful costumes, the hats, should I go on. In a week of turmoil it was a relief to enjoy such a positive occasion. Anyway, this week freebies are inspired by the Royal Couple. Hope you enjoy them.{Sorry I did not get them posted sooner, it has been a rough week.}


  1. Elizabeth, your images are always nothing less than stunning! This pieces are no exception! SO BEAUTIFUL! THANK YOU SO MUCH!

    Have a nice weekend.
    MARTINA oxo

  2. I watched on BBC also!!! it was stunning!!I am sure Diana was looking down on her son with great pride!
    these images are beautiful!! thanks so much for sharing!!

  3. This is a sweet post. I really had a good time watching the wedding. It was beautiful!! I think it is so fun that you and your Mom had tea together. It was a day to try and forget all the awful things going on in our world. thank you, mary

  4. lovely photos! I enjoyed the occasion too...clothes, hats & all. Brits certainly have style. I always enjoy my visit here -- have a great week!

  5. That one bride's hat rivals the "fascinators" the women at the wedding were wearing!


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