Thursday, May 12, 2011

Digital Journal Page...Listen to Your Heart

This is advice that actually has some relevance to me right now. If I do not listen to my heart at this stage of life, I am in for some real disappointment. Do you always listen to your heart or are you following someone elses? [Some credits in helping me make this page - deviant textures, Tim Holtz stamp, a French Graffiti artist.]


  1. Ah, but the secret is to take the time to be quiet and listen to your heart--that inner voice or gut feeling! From the perspective of old age, I look back on my life and see that the times I went against that inner voice, it led to trouble!
    (This piece is very effective and well done, by the way).

  2. You are so right! Quiet to listen to your own heart. The times I have not listened to my inner voice have indeed led me down the wrong path. Finding your way back can be quite a journey.

  3. Learning to listen to one's heart is a life-long journey, My Dear Friend. May your heart's voice lead you in the right direction. Hugs, Terri xoxo

  4. so beautiful!
    i try to listen to my heart...sometimes in the rush of life i don't hear it...never a good thing!

  5. Oh dear friend I am becoming a much better listener.


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