Thursday, May 12, 2011

Digital Photograph...The Tree

Trees, I have a passion for them. The past couple of years as I travel I look for that "tree". The one sitting out in the middle of a field. It's branches spreading out and up. Giving shelter from the heat of the day. I have not found the perfect tree, yet. I have found a lot of beautiful trees. This one sits on a hill along the Blue Ridge Mountains.


  1. I have a thing for painting trees...this one is a beauty. This is great how you do your digital thing with your fotos.

  2. That's a beautiful tree! Can we use it for digital?

  3. Thank you! I too have a thing for trees. I have sent you an email Cynthia about PhotoShop and textures. If there are any other questions let me know.

  4. Another beautiful capture, Elizabeth! Reminds me of Joyce Kilmer's poem, "The Tree" and my favorite lines: "A tree that looks at God all day, and lifts her leafy arms to pray; A tree that may in Summer wear a nest of robins in her hair." Hugs, Terri xoxo

  5. nature's bounty through your eyes is a wonderous thing!!!

  6. Terri I love that poem. I often recite that ot myself as I am out photography trees.
    And... Ann, nature is so wondrous!

  7. I'm a tree lover too and share your passion for discovering trees along the journey. I worked with an 86 year old woman that has Joyce Kilmer's poems "Trees" and "The House With Nobody In It" memorized and would recite them often. The House poem is perfect for your recent photo a few entries below.

  8. Love this! I found a blog today and thought of you immediately. She is an iPhone photographer and has lots of info on different apps. Can't wait to try some of them!

  9. Elizabeth, I am a tree lover too! I am constantly looking for the perfect tree to take a photo of. This one is a beauty!
    Next, I want to learn how to draw and paint them well!

    Thanks for sharing this one with us! I love coming here to see what you have created with your photos!

    Happy weekend!

  10. I love this tree it's very eerie and mysterious. Very beautiful.


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