Sunday, May 8, 2011

Happy Mother's Day!

I am sending out Happy Mother's Day thoughts and good wishes to all of you who have ever mothered a child. You do not have to have given birth to be able to mother. Many times it is the teacher, the friend, a grandmother, or the aunt who steps up and mothers the child. What is important is that each child out there in this world has a safe haven and someone looking out for them. That they are everything to somebody.

I am one of the fortunate ones. I have had a wonderful Mother my entire life. She has been a glowing example of everything that is right in mothering. Even now she knows how to nudge me in the right direction. Being a mother is no easy task. It is full of worry, sleepless nights, and double thinking your decisions. However, in the end it is one of the most exceptional experiences I have ever had. It is a gift that definitely keeps on giving. It has been an honor. I hope each and every one of you has a spectacular day.


  1. What a lovely sentiment your post contains and it is so true! penny

  2. so very true!
    and not just for someone who has mother'd a child...i have friends who have none and they mother me!!!

  3. I've got to echo the "so very true" from Ann. I, too, have been blessed with wonderful "mother love"! Hope you had a very Happy Mother's Day! Hugs, Terri xoxo

  4. Love what you have written about Mother's Day ♥ Very pretty pictures too!


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