Monday, May 9, 2011

Home...Digital Photograph

I found this little house in North Carolina along the Virginia border. At one time it meant a lot to someone. I like to think that these places are filled with good memories and lots of stories. It has been six months tomorrow since I sold my house. I am beginning to feel the need to set down some roots and surround myself with the people and things I love. I am officially looking for a house to buy. Very fun, yet very scary. A lot of decisions. Keep your fingers crossed that I find the perfect home for me.


  1. the right one will come along!
    i love seeing the world through your eyes. this is a marvelous photo...I well remember seeing many house like this one as I travel through the south with my parents..people on the porchs and children playing in the front.
    thanks for sharing this!!

  2. Hi Elizabeth,
    Luv this photo, if only those walls could talk!
    Good luch on finding just the right house for you.
    Barb in Texas

  3. I know you will find just the perfect place!!

  4. I was wondering if your were looking. I'm sure the perfect house is just waiting for your to discover it and make it a home. Will send lots of positive vibes your way! Hugs, Terri xoxox
    PS GREAT capture! Coffee table book worthy!!!

  5. LOVE what you've done with the photo - and best of luck finding just the right spot!

  6. Love this house photo; gets my imagination working too. There used to be lots of these in Mississippi but it seems they have mostly been torn down or completely fallen in on their own.

    I've been out of the blogging world for a while but wanted to drop in and see what you've been up to. I always enjoy my visits to 'your place'. Good luck with the house hunt and everything!


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