Sunday, June 26, 2011

French Postcard Freebies...

Gypsy Girl

Girl in Pink

Girl in Blue

Girl in Green

Girl in Yellow

Thought I would share some French Postcards with you this week. I love postcards. They are so much fun to receive and just as much fun to collect. Such small easy things to instantly remind you of your travels. This summer I am collecting postcards from all my travels. I am sure they will bring back fond memories during the cold winter. I hope you will join me.


  1. Thanks and where do you get all your wonderful images.

  2. Thank you so much for the postcards! What beautiful little girls!

  3. These are just lovely, Elizabeth! Thanks for sharing!!! I hope that all is well in your world and that the house you wanted will soon be yours. Hugs, Terri xoxo

  4. I did a double take are toooo kind to share such gorgeous images. I especially like the girl in pink. Thanks so much!

  5. Oh, Elizabeth, this freebies are fantastic. I especially like the first one! Thank you so much!!!!!!


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